My Full Skincare Routine || Winter Edition

Although it's still far from perfect, I don't think my skin has been this good since before puberty - it's going through some sort of Renaissance (Skin-aissance, if you will) - so I thought it was time to share some of the fantastic product that have turned it around. I have combination skin so I'll talk you through which products I think would also work for dry or oily skin.

Every Morning

First off I'll wash my face with theBody Shop Tea Tree Face Wash(5英镑)。它具有类似淋浴的凝胶状的一致性,所以我只是在淋浴时跳下去,它真的很棒而且令人振奋。该产品非常适合靶向斑点和降低油脂。然后我使用Body Shop Aloe Calming Toner(£8.50) which preps the skin for moisturiser really well and removes any oiliness or residue. It's not at all stripping and leaves the skin soft, not dry or itchy.
I then apply theLa Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo +(15.50) which has cleared up my blemishes so nicely recently. Along with the Tea Tree Face Wash and another product I'll mention later; this is a must-have for reducing breakouts. After that I'll smooth on theNO7保护和完美的高级血清(£30.95). It makes my skin feel fresh and vibrant as well as improving the fine lines I have now as well as preventing ageing in the future. It's hard to gauge what it's doing but you notice the difference once you run out! I use this all the time so I have the 50ml as it's better value. I put on theBalance Me Wonder Eye Cream*(11英镑)同时。没有眼霜可以改善我的眼睛下的黑暗,但这可以减少任何浮肿和补充该区域。然而,靴子维生素E ONE也是2.50英镑。最后我用ForYou M1 Signature Moisturiser* (£4 sample size), which I cannot recommend enough for combination skin. It lasts forever and is rich and moisturising for your dry patches without leaving your oiler parts with greasy residue.


我通常把我的妆就在(after 10+ hours it doesn't look or feel so great!) using theBody Shop Camomile Silky Cleansing Oil(£10). It pretty much melts my makeup right away; it's so fast and effective. Even if you have oily skin do not fear cleansing oil! Just rinse your face afterwards properly. You can use it on your eyes but men are pretty sensitive and I hate putting anything 'gloopy' on them so I use theBioderma Sensibio H2O(£10.20). The Garnier version does the job too but if I have the money I'll get the Bioderma, as I prefer it a little. It's as gentle as water and removes eye makeup really well. As I'm rinsing my face of the oil anyway, I go ahead and use something foaming; theOrigins Checks and Balances Face Wash(全尺寸18.50英镑)。我认为这对于任何皮肤类型都是完美的,它可以去除任何残留物,污垢,油或化妆品,使您的脸柔软。之后我使用La Roche-Posay Serozinc(£8.50), a spray toner which soaks all my oiliness and has helped so much to reduce my redness and blemishes.
I'll then apply the Effaclar Duo and the Protect and Perfect once again and apply the车身商店维生素E湿霜(£11). I can't believe this was a free gift with my last order! It's so amazingly hydrating. Though I do have a matte night cream by Eucerin I'll be saving that for summer. With combination skin it's a good idea to use something moisturising at night when no one will see your shiny face! The only negative for me is the fragrance; if I exfoliate in the evening it can cause a bit of irritation, which prevents this from being a perfect night cream.


Once or twice a week I use myClarisonic Mia(99英镑)Deep Pore Brush Head(£21) paired with Origins Checks and Balances. This gives such a deep cleanse and again really helps to keep my skin clear. I really like to use theBody Shop Warming Mineral Mask(£10) every so often as I love the warming sensation and howsoft and evened-out it leaves my skin, I find it's also less oily afterwards. It's also quite a non-messy product to apply and to rinse off. I've retired my super-gentle Clinque scrub until the warmer months come along, at the moment I'm enjoying the more heavy-dutyBody Shop Seaweed Pore-Cleansing Facial Exfoliator(£10). It's still not too rough and when you rinse it off it foams and cleanses, so it's a bit of a 2 in 1. I found it improved my blackheads however it may be a little drying for more dehydrated skin. A product I do recommend for dry, normal and combination skin types is theOrigins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Face Mask(23英镑,全尺寸)。它像凝胶一样适用,我没有发现它会留下很多多余的或坐在皮肤上,它的皮肤直接脱落,使我的皮肤在早晨柔软。它也闻起来很可爱!我要提到的最终产品是DHC Deep Cleansing Oil(£18, full size), which I use for facial massages when I get the time. Once I rinse it off my skin feels so soft and plump.

As and When

There are a few products I just use as and when I need them or have them. I useSudocrem*(£1.99)当我有沉重的突破(这些天不常见!)Vichy Normaderm总垫子(£13) is really good if I'm feeling a bit oily. I just put it on under my primer and it really helps to reduce shine throughout the day. When I have one around I use a Lush face mask, I loveCupcake(£6.50) for oily and blemish-prone skin.



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  1. 爱你的博客!只是在GFC和Bloglovin上关注您,请您跟随我吗?:)


  2. I love hearing about other people skin care routines! The cupcake face mask sounds really lovely! I might have to try. x


    1. It really is - smells amazing and just works fantastically! xx

  3. 喜欢这篇文章,我现在真的开始开始使用护肤,所以我喜欢目前阅读Peoples Skincare常规。TBS是护肤品的最佳选择!


    1. 我在他们的护肤上参加聚会太晚了,但完全同意!xx

  4. 我喜欢这篇文章中的照片。他们真的做得很好!
    i've been using the effaclar duo for a long time. left it at home while on xmas vacation and when i came back, little white beads came out when i used it...that was sort of gross lol. so i'm going to have to replace it :P
    A Beautiful Zen

    1. 谢谢匈奴 - 这很重要!
      And haha I hate running out of skincare products but you just have to bite the bullet and repurchase! xx

  5. I really like your new style of photography!! I need to try the Vichy Normaderm especially if it helps keep the skin less oily!! Lovely post as always!!...x

    1. Thank you so much lovely!
      绝对要检查一下 - 我似乎在博客上并不多,但是春季/夏季xx会很方便

  6. I love how you split it up! My routine is basically a lot of moisturiser, although I am looking for a serum to put on underneath too :)

    Velvet Blush

  7. I'm obsessed with The Body Shop's Vitamin E moisture cream which I also got free with my last order! it's amazing! xo

    Lauren //The Beauty Ideal

    1. It's so great - such an amazing freebie! xx

  8. 我想尝试一下Clarisonic如此糟糕!绝对会考虑这个周末购买郁郁葱葱的口罩!


    1. It is expensive but if it works for you there's not going back! xx

  9. I've always been curious about TBS products but they're so expensive here I always end up going for Garnier products :/ Good to know they're actually worth the money though!

    Email: amazeinstyle@gmail.com


    1. Oh no, what a shame as they're almost always on offer in the UK! xx


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