

I won't dress it up; Diptyque is a splurge. It's a birthday present or a very special treat to yourself. It's a lot of money however in all honesty I've spent similar amounts on meals I didn't think were all that great or dresses I've never worn, so it it really that bad to spend it on fragrances that will bring me hours of happiness?

I have two of the Standard Candles (£40 each):NoisetierandFiguier. Noisetier is just the most beautiful hazelnut scent with a tiny touch of fruitiness. It's so full and multi-dimensional I really will be sad to see the end of it. The throw is amazing but the scent isn't overpowering at all. Figuier is a more subtle summery fig fragrance which I'm loving at the moment.

蜡烛不大,虽然蜡的燃烧时间很好,但它们不会永远持续下去。但是我发现它们均匀地燃烧,这意味着没有一点点蜡浪费(我绝对hatewhen candles tunnel, it really does ruin them). I also love the simple, stylish glass jars these come in with Diptyque's signature oval emblem.

I also have two 100ml Eau de Toilette Fragrances (£75 each):PhilosykosandOyedo. I have never come across such complex and beautiful fragrances. I was never much of a fragrance person as the standard scents you come across in Boots and Debenhams just never seemed to do it for me. I like something that's slightly different and unusual and Diptyque definitely fits the bill. Philosykos's main notes are cedar wood and fig and it's the personal fragrance equivalent to Figuier. It's a beautiful woody-but-fruity scent for summer and I find myself swooning every time I catch a waft of it on myself. Oyedo also had the cedar wood notes (which means they layer together really nicely) however has an overriding citric scent. It's absolutely beautiful and again there are so many layers to it. I'm very tempted by the candle version...

Every time I wear each of these fragrances I feel like I notice a new aspect of them. They last pretty well throughout the day however I do notice a bit of a fade by the time I get home in the evening. I would always recommend the 100ml bottles (unless you specifically want something travel-sized) as the 50ml bottles are still £58 so essentially you're only paying £17 more for double the product and if you can spend £58 on a fragrance, what's another £17? Again the packaging is effortlessly stylish and each scent has it's own accompanying illustration and typeface to fit in with the theme (Philosykos has a Greek Island feel, whereas Oyedo is Japanese-inspired).

If you understandably can't afford or don't want to buy Diptyque products, you really shouldn't feel like you're missing out on some essential life experience. If splashing out so much on scents is going to make you feel bad: don't do it! As the point is that it makes you feel good! However if you have a birthday coming up or Space NK points to blow, I don't think you will be disappointed! I'm itching to expand my collection but just can't justify it at the moment.

Have you tried Diptyque products? Were they worth the splurge?

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  1. 我从来没有尝试过但我真的想!我think Jo Malone ones are similar in price and quality, I love them a lot too! ;)

    Love, Charline |Charline Has a Blog

  2. Totally with you on this Jasmine, Philosykos is my all time fave, so I must try your other rec as don't think I've noticed Oyedo before. If Diptyque perfumes were half the price I'd buy several in a heartbeat! I've never purchase one of the candles, though swooned over them many times!

    Nic x


  3. I don't own any but I have had a sniff and I have to admit that I wasn't that taken with them but as you have said it is each to their own. I would really have a huge problem spending the money but I have to find something great that I was in love with :)

    Pams Stuff and Things|Ance Ultra Clear Giveaway

  4. I don't think any candle could make me spend £40 of my own money. I don't even think I would request it for a present as I can think of better things to spend money on! Although I haven't actually had a sniff so I could be eating (or smelling) my words!
    x x |daisydaisyxxo

    1. Haha well I was the same before I went and had a sniff! xx

  5. I am currently using the roses candle and after a few days, I am completely sold x


  6. 我没有尝试过Diptyque的任何东西,但我知道只有很长时间才能进行顽皮的购买。我已经在商店里闻到了它们,我完全同意它们是复杂的香水,但非常独特。它们的包装非常精致,他们在梳妆台上总是看起来不错。我想我会先尝试蜡烛,因为它们看起来很诱人。...可爱的概述... xx

  7. I haven't actually seen (smelled?) for myself what any of the scents are like from Diptyque but I'm open-minded about spending the money on a candle like this; if I really liked it and could afford it, then why not? I think people have a problem with spending money on things like candles and makeup etc because they run out, unlike clothes/furniture etc, but like you say, if it brings you happiness then you CAN justify it! Either way, it looks like i need to get to Space NK sooner rather than later!
    丽贝卡|The Two Twenty Somethings

    1. Haha! And yes I agree - if it makes you happy then whose business is it? xx

  8. 我自己是一名学生,只有一支蜡烛的价格有点痛苦……但是我永远不会在用餐,化妆或穿衣服的情况下遇到任何问题!我想,如果我发现我爱的气味,我会冒险,我只是没有机会嗅探并诚实地找出答案!

    allthatshimmers.co.uk xo

  9. I didn't know anything about Dyptique candles/fragrances until last December myself too and I can't wait to splurge on them when I get back to the UK! ;) xx

    www.angerawrs.co.uk|A DATE WITH THAT GRACE GIRL

  10. 哲学家就像一个梦想成真。我完全同意你的看法... Diptyque值得每一分钱!太神圣了!

    Beauty Isles | An Island Girl's Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  11. I don't own any Dyptique candles or fragrances - I just can't justify them! But after reading this, I'm now thinking of all the times I've spent £40 on a dinner, like you've mentioned and feel like I might need a splurge now... Great post Jasmine x

    emily x ❤ |emilyloula

  12. I've never spent this much on a candle, but I'm working up towards it, the more I use them the more I love them the more I'll spend lol


  13. Ouch, you weren't kidding about the price, it's crazy for a candle but sounds like the scent is worth it and I like that it burns evenly. I am more interested in the perfume, definitely have to look where I can pick these up.

    Shireen |Reflection of Sanity

  14. I'm afraid to buy one in case I love it! I already spend too much on cosmetics etc - although if I received one as a gift - well that's another story! xx


    1. Haha yeah it's something to put on the birthday list so you don't feel so bad ;) xx

  15. I've never tried any Diptyque products and I've never had the chance to smell them so I can't comment if they're worth it or not. Personally I wouldn't buy such an expensive candle but if I got it as a gift then I would definitely enjoy it. The price of the fragrances is high but not as crazy considering a 100ml bottle will certainly last a few months. x

    Mummy’s Beauty Corner

  16. I haven't tried anything from this brand, but after reading this, I'm defnitely going to give it a try, it sounds amazing and such an unique experience totally worth the splurge! Great post, Jasmine! xx


  17. I've never been obsessed with candles myself but I do love them and I always love smelling them in shops haha. I haven't heard about this brand before either so I'll keep an eye out for this! (: http://coffeeatmidnight13.blogspot.co.uk/

  18. Ugh! You are sending me into full on shopper over-drive. I want them all! haha The sign of a great blogger.

  19. 我一直想尝试这些,但是价格标签使我失望了,但是在更明亮的一面我的生日拐角处,我绝对可以沉迷于一个漂亮的香水。
    That candle though will fire up my house peace if I bought them, as is hubbzie doesn't like spending £10 on a candle leave alone £40 hahaha.


    1. Haha my boyfriend stared at me in abject horror when I told him how much they cost xx

  20. Thank you for all your comments - it was really interesting to read everyone's thoughts xx

  21. It's always been a toss up between Jo Malone and Diptyque products. I have a couple JM products but am yet to purchase the beauty that is Diptyque. Every now and then I head to Liberty and visit the room it staves off the cravings for a little while! My favourite scents are Vervain, Eucalyptus and Mimosa :)

  22. 这些都是明确的产品的清单。我公司于ld love to buy them, but the price still seems to steep for me.. of course there are items that cost a lot and I just drool over, I bet these could be them too. haha

    Angie x |Chocolate & Lipstick || UK Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  23. I just bought Philosykos. I had a mini sample but put off buying the full size for ages because of the price. But I don't regret it in the slightest! I want to get the candle now :)

    Kirstie |Kimamely Beauty

    1. I don't regret that purchase either haha the fragrances aren't bad value at all xx


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