The Relaxing Evening Pamper



I start by running myself a nice warm bath. If I have a Lush bath bomb or fizz then I'll use that but at the moment I love the车身商店深度睡眠安慰牛奶浴室|£14。它是如此华丽,香水美丽而轻松。它的起泡非常好,它们持续了很长时间。我认为,我绝对需要从新的水疗中心收藏一些地方!

For a candle I stray away from my usualheavier气味,购买更多的水疗香气。我最喜欢的是仪式甜蜜的日出橙色和雪松木蜡烛|£19.50. It's nice and fruity but still very fresh, unimposing and relaxing.

在我进入之前,我会应用我的Antipodes Aura Manuka Honey Face Mask|£22.99 |post. This is my favourite all-rounder in terms of face masks as it just seems to improve my skin in every way! It's hydrating as well as helping blemishes. Also, it doesn't tingle or dry out the skin so feels more relaxing. The fact it has a runny consistency means it doesn't harden and you don't feelthe需要将浴缸缩短以取下。

There are two products I reach for when I'm in the bath; one as a body wash and one for shaving my legs at the end. I love theL'Occitaine Almond Shower Oil|18英镑,因为感觉比泡沫沐浴露的皮肤上的剥离要少得多。油脂超级湿润,使我的皮肤感觉真的很柔软。我也爱微妙的杏仁气味。为了剃光我的腿,而不是剃须泡沫或凝胶,我更喜欢肥皂和荣耀鞭打干净的淋浴黄油|£7. I love the thick, creamy texture of this and the brown sugar, sweet almond oil, cocoa butter and oat fragrance works beautifully with the L'Occitaine oil. It's really nourishing and makes shaving effortless.


After my bath I wash off my face mask then cover myself in theMandara Spa Ylang Ylang and Coconut Body Butter* |£6(也可以在塞恩斯伯里商店购买)。我真的很喜欢这种香气,因为它并不生病,它又具有清爽的水疗中心。也不要厚;有时,我感觉就像是在真正的沉重的身体黄油上涂抹,只是粘在干燥的皮肤上,而不是补充水分,但是这在乳液之间和类似Body Shop的黄油之间的位置。它使我的皮肤如此柔软而水合,而不会在表面上留下多余的油脂,而且是便宜的!

I'm a self-confessed excessive hand-washer so between my fingers gets really dry. Nothing hydrates them as well as theBody Shop Hemp Hand Protector|£11 (100ml). I find it too heavy for in the daytime but as an overnight treatment it's perfect. I take a small amount and make sure it's really rubbed in and my skin feels soft and supple instead of dry and tight.

我将蜡烛移入卧室,安顿下来涂指甲。即使我在放松身心时,我的指甲却不耐烦!Barry M Speedy快速干燥系列一直是我的救星,我最喜欢的阴影是进站|£3.99, a gorgeous and work-appropriate 'greige'.

Whilst I paint my nails and let them dry I'll listen to a bit of music or watch something on Netflix. I'm not super into any TV shows at the moment but a couple of months back I would definitely have been watching Orange is the New Black! For music I go for something quite relaxing, like the littleSummer Chill PlaylistI made.

Before Bed

我尝试在睡觉前至少半小时关闭笔记本电脑和电视,以便我可以完全关闭。我可能会让自己成为千兆茶或其他无咖啡因的就寝时间输液。我花了大约20分钟阅读一本书(我建议Sali Hughes's Pretty Honestfor a beauty read in bite-size chunks), my Kindle or a magazine (my favourites are Allure and Elle).

I apply myKiehl's Midnight Recovery Concentrate|£36 |post, as an overnight oil treatment as it really does work wonders for my skin. I won't go on about it too much as it's a very recent purchase but I'm really liking theNuxe Reve de Miel Lip Balm|£9.50作为滋养过夜的治疗。最后,我会吹出我的蜡烛,给我的枕头带来This Works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray|£16. I don't know how this works but it does! Maybe it's a placebo effect but I always seem to drift off effortlessly into an uninterrupted sleep when I use this.


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  1. I would love to try the deep sleep bath milk. A few of my pamper essentials would include a bath bomb and at home steam facial.

    Emily x

  2. I love TBS hand creams, they are so moisturising without being greasy. I didn't know about the deep sleep range, I shall have to check this out as I have so much trouble sleeping

    海莉 @茶派对美女万博manbext网页版

    1. I'd never come across it before! I wonder if it's a re-release xx

  3. 我以前从未听说过浴缸,尽管您在上面卖了我!
    乔迪,xo //Jodie Loue

  4. The Mandara Spa Butter sounds lovely! X
    Emma |Emmys Beauty Cave

  5. Oh that Body Shop Deep Sleep bath cream sound so good!! I've been loving the new Sea Salt bath scrub from Body Shop and their Hawaiian Kukui body cream, super pricey for Body Shop but so worth the money ;) xxx


    1. I think I've been convinced as that seems the one product everyone really rates! xx

  6. I do need to make more time to pamper myself, these days I am lucky to have enough time to shave my legs and get a face mask on. But I totally want the face mask from Antipodes, it it right at the top of the wish list :)


  7. I love face masks and have been wanting to try the Antipodes Manuka Honey Face Mask for a while now. My skins been pretty bad recently so I've been reaching for my Origins Active Charcoal mask more and more.

    Roxie X
    The Beautiful Bluebird

  8. I always love me some Pamper routine. It feels really relaxing and you should definitely try the Body Shop Spa of the World range...it's amazeballs...xx

  9. 我喜欢晚上一个好洗澡。S&G打奶油淋浴黄油的气味有多惊人?我喜欢它!:)


  10. I feel like there are so many products in this post that I want to try! The bath float sounds amazing and I really want to try out Pit Stop from the Speedy range as I love Eat My Dust. I feel like the This Works pillow spray is a must on a pamper night and that once trying it there is no going back! This is such a lovely post :) x
    Charlotte's Road

  11. 我没有尝试过杏仁淋浴油,但是我尝试过,我认为那是他们的普通杏仁油吗?不知何故,我的旅行尺寸很小,最终爱上了它。我想接下来我应该尝试淋浴油!


  12. I went into l'occitaine to have a sniff of that shower oil today and it was divine! Definitely on my wishlist xxx


    1. It's quite pricey for what it is but if I run out by Christmas it's definitely going on my list ;) xx

  13. My hands have beeb getting really dry lately and The Body Shop Hemp protector sounds like just what I need x


  14. 我喜欢一个不错的浴缸 - 我的薰衣草香气和漫画是我的去处。刚买了那个润唇膏!X

  15. 这听起来很放松!我曾经一直洗澡,但是现在似乎只是洗个澡,所以我绝对需要重新融入例行活动!真的也想尝试那种枕头喷雾!


  16. I really want to try that pillow spray. I struggle a lot with sleep so feel that it could help a little. x

    Jordan Alice

    1. I was really surprised/impressed at how much it helped :) xx

  17. L'Occitane杏仁淋浴听起来很棒,有点像一件产品!:)

    Velvet Blush

  18. I always love having a good pamper when winter comes I think it’s the dark nights that does it haha. The Antipodes face mask sounds amazing, and I love the fact it doesn’t harden as sometimes you can end up rubbing your skin raw. I really need to get into the routine of switching my laptop off a good while before bed as I can end up being on it right until I shut my eyes which is so bad haha.

    Charlee XO |CharmedCharlee

  19. This looks and sounds like the perfect pamper evening, need to have one of these soon. The Body Shop Deep Sleep Bath Float sounds ah-mazing and I can't believe I didn't know about it until now x


    1. It's such an underrated product; I'd never heard of it before until I just came across it once in-store xx

  20. I love a good pamper night! I am a person who needs a recharge night. That candle sounds like just my kind of scent too.

  21. Pamper nights are the best! I love them. These products look great and I really want to try some of them.

    Lust For Beauty

  22. 你给了我一个灵感有纸的夜晚!I've heard many times that this whipped cream shower gel/cream makes shaving sooo easy! I was trying to buy this in my local Boots store but it was all sold out:(



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