Stressing Less & Looking After Your Skin

As someone who lives in the city and has a relatively hectic lifestyle, it's important to find ways to manage my stress levels and look after myself. I was asked to trial the Body Shop's Drops of Youth range for 28 days and share my top wellbeing tips, along with my thoughts on the products.

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It issoworth making even just 20 minutes before bed for reading. It helps me to forget anything that's been on my mind during the day and escape into the story I'm reading. Not only that but it helps you to unwind; the brightness of screens keeps your eyes alert and can stop you getting a good night's sleep so it's not a good idea to still be on your phone and laptop in the last 30-60 minutes before bed.

Drink More Water


Get Organised

One way to manage stress is to manage the things that are stressing you out. I have a notebook next to my bed and if there's anything keeping me up at night, I jot it down so I don't forget what I have to do but I can also empty my mind of it in thatmoment并获得宁静的睡眠。当你打破things down they seem less scary! For my qualifications, for example, I put all my deadlines into my iCalendar and worked back where I wanted to be week on week and when I need to have started certain assignments. Even little things like making sure you've booked any旅行you'll be doing with work for the coming month can lift a weight off your shoulders. I find the more I plan, the more reassured I feel that what I'm trying toachieveispossible, as it breaks it down into achievable steps.





青年集中液* |£25

I've been using this as a serum before applying moisturiser and it has a lovely, light gel formula that's so fast-absorbing. The only thing I don't like is the fact that the dropper dispenser isn't quite right for this slightly thicker formula. However this is instantly hydrating, relieving the tightness and discomfort of dry skin. My skin looks so fresh and has a subtle glow when I use this.

Drops of Youth Eye Concentrate* |£19


Drops of Youth Youth Cream* |£20

My dry winter skin has been in need of something more intensive than the Body Shop Vitamin C Gel Moisturiser (which I love for the summer). Having said that, this still doesn't feel too heavy and doesn't leave any excess greasiness on the surface of my skin. It's also very gentle. I had an awful allergic reaction at the end of last month that was traced back to detergent (even though I hadn't used anything different!) and my skin was so dry, peeling, red and sensitive even when the rash itself had cleared up. This didn't aggravate my skin or make it flare up, which made it an essential for me this past month. It makes my tired-looking skin appear so much more healthy.

Drops of Youth Wonderblur* |£17

I was intrigued to try this as I really liked Instablur a little while back. I must admit I've been converted away from silicone-based primers lately but I still gave this a good go. The texture is very smooth and silky. It's reasonably hydrating, however I still prefer to use a creamy primer and just apply this over my pores and fine lines (like I would with something like the Porefessional). It's not my favourite but it's worth a go if you like the other products from the range and you're looking for a new primer.

Drops of Youth Bouncy Sleeping Mask* |£24

I've saved the best for last as this gel-cream face mask is my favourite of the bunch! I apply this right after toning before bed and don't use any other products. It's pricey but I've realised you only need the tiniest amount so I can see this lasting me ages. By the time I wake up in the morning my skin is so much more hydrated and plumped-up. I have a few dehydration lines and whilst they're not the end of the world, I'd rather they weren't there! I know a product is seriously hydrating my skin when it makes them virtually invisible and this does.

What are your top tips for stressing less? Have you tried the Drops of Youth range yet?

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  1. I love TBS skincare, I've tried a lot of the products and there aren't many things I don't like!

    Philippa x

    1. I'm exactly the same - I also find all the reviews on their website really helpful xx

  2. The number one thing for me is water! I am to drink 2l per day, it is so good to the skin and to our body! Great post :)

  3. 这些是惊人的技巧匈奴!我尝试喝大量的水来帮助您!这些产品看起来很好,必须检查一下!

    I'm loving the new theme girl!!!
    Fix Me In Forty Five - A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog
    Blog Lovin'//Instagram

  4. This looks like a solid range, and that mask sounds amazing! Btw, I normally Wet my hands a little then apply the serum to my face, that way it goes on more easily even with a thicker texture.


  5. The Sleeping mask sounds like something I'd like to get as my skincare lacks in hydrating masks. I keep meaning to try more from TBS and for some reason never do.

    Mummy’s Beauty Corner

    1. 我曾经几乎只专门使用他们的护肤产品!尽管我现在分手了,但它们仍然是我最喜欢的更实惠的皮肤品牌之一:) xx

  6. I'm really loving your new layout, it's so neat and beautiful to look at! Cold green tea and lots of notebook to keep things in check definitely helps! I just cannot stand being unorganized.

    Selene Addicted

  7. 我还没有尝试过此系列的任何东西,我确实喜欢Body Shops Tea Tree系列,但我绝对想尝试其中一些产品。我已经开始在睡觉前抽出时间尝试放松和放松,我需要尝试做更多的一件事就是多喝水!
    Emmy |Emmys Beauty Cave|Bloglovin

  8. I've tried the Drops of Youth range before but wasn't really impressed. However I think the actual moisturiser was only recently released so definitely need to look at it, as it sounds quite lovely x


  9. 我以前从未尝试过任何此范围,但是我记得在第一次出来并喜欢它的声音时听说过有弹性睡眠面膜!眼睛浓缩也听起来很可爱!


    1. Yeah I feel like I'd been meaning to check the mask out for ages! xx

  10. Water makes such a difference! I'm usually quite good when it comes to drink much of it, yet I really need to learn how to stay away from the screens just before I go to bed, I know it's bad for my sleep but I do it anyway, not sure why...


  11. 还没有尝试过该范围的任何东西,但是当我一直在寻找一些新的护肤夹时,我想我必须给一些以前的东西,因为它们听起来都很棒!

    Emily x | emilyclairewrites.com

  12. 我一直想尝试弹性面具已经很久了。我发现一个不错的泡泡浴,带有某种薰衣草产品,例如Tisserand的Sweet Dreams浴油确实可以帮助我放松,并在睡觉前一杯茶(Decaf)和一本好书。

    Roxie |The Beautiful Bluebird

  13. This skincare line looks so good. I want to try out the eye cream x


  14. 如果您觉得自己喝足够的水吃水果和蔬菜,请补充水的水分。但是,现在我最喜欢的青年浓缩液,得到了一小部分样本,并辩论要全力以赴。多么伟大的帖子!

    Katie |http://ktmcgworld102.blogspot.ca

  15. I've never tried the Body Shop Drops of Youth Skincare Range but reading your honest reviews about them does make me want to try a few myself! The Bouncy Sleepy Mask does sound really lovely. I've been using my Body Shop Vitamin E Night Cream for the longest time, and while it works great for my skin, I would love to change it up ever so often. I'm definitely going to check the Sleeping Mask out now! :) xx

    Kayleigh |http://kayleighmakesup.blogspot.co.uk

  16. 好的建议,我需要注意您的所有观点!我真的很喜欢弹力睡眠面具,尽管我目前正在使用一些类似的韩国产品,但华丽的照片可爱

    www.Barely There Beauty.com | British Beauty & Lifestyle blog


  17. 这些看起来像是晶圆厂范围,眼睛血清上的滚筒看起来也看起来很晶圆厂,我真的很讨厌用手指涂抹!哈哈


  18. 好的文章,我想我做这些事情I haven't used this range from the body shop. I think I will give it a try


  19. This range sounds lovely, I'm going to have to give it a go! x

  20. I have noticed that lots of people drink fizzy drinks and coffee and for me I only ever drink water every day wherever I go which is a good thing but when I go out to restaurants the people I'm with always call me odd and weird for ordering water..

    1. Not weird at all! I often order a glass of wine but ALWAYS get water too :) xx

  21. Ohhh I have never tried this Body Shop range .. But I absolutely love the look and sound of it!! Skincare is so so important .. But looking after your body/skin is just as important .. I love being organised and having a pamper night every week to make sure I am relaxed !! Great post lovel ... And your pictures are amazing !!


  22. 我听说过关于车身车间有弹性面具的很多好消息,我的皮肤肯定可以用一些保湿处理!另外,我和您一起睡前阅读,逃脱一会儿真是太可爱了!

    Musings & More

  23. 喝大量的水非常适合身体和皮肤,我希望我可以限制我的咖啡和茶,我喝的饮酒比应有的。我没有尝试过一些青年范围的任何事情,我听说过很多关于它们的信息,尤其是睡觉面具。
    ps. Love the new layout and the banner! :) xx

    Ela BellaWorld

    1. 确实很难限制它 - 尤其是在办公室工作!xx

  24. Brilliant tips! My skin's been awful this winter, I don't think the ever-changing weather (-2 one day, 14 degrees the next) has helped. I thought it might have been some new cosmetics I tried, but came across a funny internet meme:

    "- 6 hours of sleep in three days
    - Never drink water
    - Always stressed

    And I wonder why I have bad skin!"

    That struck a chord with me. I think stress/lack of sleep and a poor diet will DEFO exacerbate skin conditions, so it's important to look after yourself, using some of the methods you've described :)

    – Lubna |The Digital Review

    1. Exactly! A few lifestyle changes can have a positive impact on so many different areas :) xx

  25. Love the sound of this range! I love to find some me time and try to be organized, this way I feel a lot less stressed :) xx
    gyudy @Gyudy's Notes Of Beauty

  26. 我的时间是我的最爱,尤其是在我的小儿子睡觉之后。:)
    I have read so many positive reviews about this range from Bodyshop and the eye concentrate and the mask has been on my wish list for a long time. So after my recent ones run out I will definitely give them a try. x

    Ninz/ www.ninzbeauty.com

  27. Aww, I agree with everything! Sometimes taking time off and having some me time is the best thing to do! Love your tips. I should check out the Body Shop products haha <3

    xx bash |H E Y B A S H|bloglovin'

  28. I am a big fan of products from this range and I love how smooth they have left my skin. I keep hearing many good things about the Bouncy Sleep Mask and it's already in my list of things to try. Thanks for sharing and lovely photo at the top...xx

  29. 我只是遇到了您的博客,看起来很棒。这是我读过的第一篇文章,发现我真的很有帮助。我很想从您的博客中阅读更多<3
    Also is this suitable for dry skin?


    1. Thank you! Yes, as I said it has really helped my skin whilst it's been dry recently xx

  30. Love the Body Shop, dying to try this range! xx

    Miss Charissa // http://misscharissaxo.blogspot.co.uk/

  31. Thank you for your comments - hope this post was helpful :) xx

  32. I had a sample of the bouncy sleeping mask and it was SO hydrating, I'm super tempted to get the full size :)

    Jess xo |靛蓝小时


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