My Week in Lipsticks #2

我做了一个postlike this way back over Christmas and you guys seemed to like the mix of beauty and lifestyle so I thought I'd bring this format back for my recent trip to Spain, since I didn't do a full post on it (it was just so chilled-out that it didn't seem to warrant it!) This is the lowdown on what I got up to and the lipsticks that came along on the ride with me. I hope you enjoy it!

Thursday:美宝莲奶油哑光唇膏在粘土压碎|$7.99 | This is a little bit like a more summery version of my usual kind of lip colour. It's a very warm nude shade with orange undertones. I really like the formula of this because it's so comfortable to wear, though I don't find it quite as opaque on the first swipe or as long-wearing as a true matte.
I wore this to the airport, so it was one of those times when I put it on in the morning then never really bothered to touch up during the day! Our flight was in the afternoon, so I spent the morning packing before catching a taxi to the station to meet my friend, then we caught the train to the airport together. We were there in plenty of time so had a wander around Duty Free and got some lunch at a pretty leisurely pace. The flight to Malaga was a little delayed, however our other friends were flying from London slightly later so we were going to have to wait around a little anyway. In the end we arrived at the same time and got the taxi to Alumnecar. We didn't get to the apartment until after 10pm, however it was really lovely. My friend's boyfriend's parents who owned the place kindly left us out some Cava and nibbles, so we tucked into those (and I had a quick top-up of powder on my face and Clay Crush on my lips) before heading out for a late dinner and drinks.

Friday:Mac Matte唇膏在热带补品中|£15.50 | We spent the day by the pool and eating, so during the daytime I didn't really go for much on the lips (other than an SPF), however I whipped this out 的夜晚。这是一个美丽的珊瑚的基调bold but somehow just works for me.
In the evening we had a few bottles of wine on the balcony before heading out for dinner in the town around 9ish. I decided to pair Tropic Tonic with a red dress I picked up from Missguided's concession in Selfridges at the Trafford Centre (find it online这里) and myTopshop floral bagand I was really pleased with how they went together. We found a really nice seafood restaurant on the sea front and shared paella, starters and salads (as well as copious quantities of wine!) Afterwards it was pretty late so we headed straight out to a bar for a dance. We ended up sat on the outdoor beach area of the bar until about 4am, chatting and getting ridiculously soppy!

周六:Gerard Cosmetics Hydra Matte Liquid Lipstick in Everything Nice|£9.50 | It was another really easygoing day (I've come to appreciate them in my old age!) so I was passed out on the beach for most of it! However for the evening I went for quite a bronzed, neutral makeup look and decided to go with this really comfortable, non-drying liquid lipstick. It's a gorgeous warm-toned caramel-brown nude shade.
We made the group decision that it was 'maxi dress night' so I wore this with my河岛露肩长裙。We were pretty late out to dinner (drinks on the balcony; you know the drill) but managed to find a tapas place. The service was questionable and I don't think they actually served us until gone midnight! However we were too 'happy on holiday' to care massively and it was another late night out. This one ended at a karaoke bar with us screaming Justin Bieber 'Sorry'. Yeah...

Sunday:Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment in Honey|£19 | Our last day in Spain came around far too quickly! With it being a Sunday and us having a 3am start for the flight the next day (!!!!) we decided to have our main meal at lunch. So I decided to go for my standard 'don't know what to wear': the always-appropriate Fresh Honey. It's a gorgeously hydrating lip balm formula that contains SPF15 and adds a nice subtle hint of warm nude colour.
我们去了一个名为Los Geraneos(再次在Almunecar中心)的地方,我们在前一天晚上无法获得桌子。工作人员是如此友好,我们外面有一个不错的座位。这是15欧元的套装菜单,但是有很多选择,其中包括一杯酒和3门课程!这绝对是惊人的,我们几乎整天都吃和喝酒!之后,下午5点左右,我们去了最后一个池畔寒意,然后在海滨吃了一顿淡晚餐,共享了一些不同的海鲜菜肴。我们得到了冰淇淋,沿着海滩徘徊,然后早点得到了急需的夜晚。

Monday:Clarins Instant Light Lip Comfort Oil in Red Berry* | £18 | It was a 3am start so it's safe to say I was barely conscious and communicating by grunting for most of the time, before passing out on the flight! However once we landed, my lips felt in serious need of some hydration, so I reached for my trusted Clarins lip oil. As well as being a lip care product, it gives a non-sticky glossy finish and a little hint of rosy colour.

Tuesday:Tom Ford Lip Colour Shine in Nubile|£38 | I know a 5am start doesn't naturally lend itself to Tom Ford lipstick but t his was a bit of a naughty, but at least duty-free, purchase that I'd been dying to use. It's another great one for those of us who don't do lipgloss. It's a sheer colour but still fairly pigmented in a really nice warm pinky-brown nude colour. I really like the colour and the non-sticky finish and was pretty impressed at the wear-time given that I don't really expect sheeny, sheer lip colours to last very long.
We all drove down from Manchester to the Cotswolds for our team meeting/away day. The venue was really lovely, however the weather turned on us just in time for our outdoor activity. So I was stood in a muddy field in the countryside in the pouring rain, but at least I waswearinga Tom Ford lipstick!

Wednesday:灰褐色的Mac Matte唇膏|£15.50 |这是我一时兴起的唇彩,因为它有ages since I'd worn it, and Idefinitelyrememberwhy I've always loved it so much. It's a gorgeous creamy-but-matte formula in a warm-toned caramel brown nude. It's sort of like a Velvet Teddy equivalent but more suited to medium-warm skin tones.

So there you have it: my week in lipsticks! Which lipsticks have you been wearing lately?

Don't forget to follow me on:

P.S. Don't forget to enter my giveaway这里to win a US & Sephora haul!

*DISCLOSURE - PRODUCT标有星号的S是PR样品/礼物或带有天赋的优惠券。


  1. I love Everything Nice, such a gorgeous shade! Love this post xx


  2. It seems to be such a love week! I definitely need to purchase Mac Taupe and I also like the sound of the Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment in Honey, we never have enough 'I don't know what to wear' shades!


  3. All such beautiful colours! Love the Tom Ford shade.

  4. Everything here looks so good! I really love the look of the Clay Crush from Maybelline! That is a perfect shade in my opinion! I really need to get myself MAC taupe, it's so lovely!

    Fix Me In Forty Five - A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog
    Blog Lovin'//Instagram

  5. 新鲜的蜂蜜真是个漂亮的阴影,就在我的街道上!它看起来非常适合日常穿着,肯定会检查xx

    杰玛·路易丝(Gemma Louise)

  6. 我需要那种美宝莲奶油哑光,让我猜想,只有在美国可用?:(我喜欢这些帖子,但是我似乎迷上了口红,然后每天穿一个月(现在是夏洛特·蒂尔伯里·蒂尔伯里性感的sienna),所以这对我来说将是一个愚蠢的帖子


  7. 苏nds like such a lovely few days away with your friends! Tropic Tonic looks amazing!


  8. 苏nds like an amazing holiday! I love this sort of post x


  9. Oh, I love the idea of this post!!! And the swatches of your lipstick, absolutely beautiful xx

    Lee | thatbellemakeup.blogspot.co.uk

  10. Beautiful shades, specially the ones with an orange undertone. I think they are perfect for this summer season!


  11. Love this post idea! That Tom Ford lipstick looks really pretty, as does the MAC Taupe one xo

    Char | www.charslittleblog.blogspot.co.uk

  12. This is SUCH an amazing blog idea! I love how it incorporates beauty with lifestyle so effortlessly.x

    Tash / becomingtashh.blogspot.com.au

  13. I love all these shades! Taupe is one of my all time favourites. Everything nice has been one of most worn shades recently! I recently picked up the clarins lip oil in honey, which I'm really enjoying. xx

    LPage Beauty

  14. 我真的很想尝试Mac Taupe,喜欢所有这些精选!藤条看起来也很棒!

    Thanks for sharing!
    Chloe, xo

  15. 陶佩看起来真的很漂亮,下次去购物时需要捡起它!

    Emily xo

  16. Thank you for your comments - glad you enjoyed this post :) xx

  17. I always love these types of posts as we as readers can see what is actually being used! MAC Taupe and Fresh Honey are two of my favorite shades, glad to see these in rotation! I've had the Gerard Cosmetics liquid lipsticks on my list for quite a while, I actually never realized how much more affordable they were in comparison to some other liquid lipsticks on the market. And the fact that it's non-drying bumps it up a little bit higher on my list!

    Cindy | www.cindyhyue.com

    1. They really are one of the most affordable and one of the best! xx

  18. The fresh sugar lip treatment looks so good! I really want it but going to have to wait until I go to the states in December!


  19. 我ve actually been forgetting to wear lipsticks a lot this week but if I have been wearing something it's been MAC's Patisserie, it's such a staple for me. Tom Ford's Nubile lipstick looks really gorgeous though, I'd love to make another sneaky TF lipstick purchase sometime soon...


  20. Fab Post,喜欢这篇文章的想法:)我真的很想得到热带补品,因为我同意这真是一个华丽的珊瑚!新鲜的蜂蜜看起来像是一种可爱的阴影,我将不得不尝试:)

    Charlee XO |CharmedCharlee

    1. These two are like my perfect Summer day and Summer night lip options :) xx

  21. Great post! Where are the sunglasses from? x

  22. Love your pictures they are so good. Those lipstick have amazing pigmentation.
    xoxo dazzlemxo

  23. Really like this post and the idea behind it. I like more personal posts but I don't really do them on my blog, maybe someday soon!


  24. 希望你有乐趣在你的旅行中!我真的很喜欢Fresh Lip Treatment in Honey! So beautiful!


  25. 哦,我喜欢这篇文章!我从来没有去过西班牙,但总是想去。我很高兴你玩得开心!喜欢您选择的唇膏。这些阴影肯定是我的小巷:)。我有美宝莲粘土粉碎,绝对喜欢它!

    Nida |陷入九个

    1. It's really a great place to go, whether you want a city break or a beach holiday :) xx


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