
Since moving back to the city, I've definitely become more conscious of protecting my skin and hair from environmental factors and pollution, which can leave things looking and feeling clogged, lacklustre and unhealthy. In the extreme, pollution can age you prematurely and we all know what a lack of sun protection can lead to. These are my top products that you can incorporate into your daily beauty routine to prevent and counteract environmental aggressors.

Herbal Essences Daily Detox White Tea & Mint Shine Shampoo&Conditioner* |每个£3.99 |这些是我在这篇文章中唯一的非智慧建议,因为在尝试这些产品之前,我实际上忽略了要保护的一件事。他们俩都足够温和,每天都可以使用,如果您在地下上通勤,并且使您的头发和头皮感到肮脏,发痒和不愉快,这是完美的。洗发水清洁,但不会剥离,护发素将水合锁定,而不会让头发感到沉重或油腻。它们使头发具有健康的光泽,香水是如此新鲜,轻巧和干净,摆脱了您住在城市时头发会捡起的任何令人讨厌的气味。

植物学博士先进的抗氧化超级食品面部油* |£19.99(代码:JASMINEBLOG) |这是a new discovery that I'm absolutely in love with. Recently, for some reason, my skin got really dry and flaky so I began using this overnight and on makeup-free days and it cleared everything up incredibly well. It wasn't heavy or greasy and didn't break me out at all. It leaves my skin soft, plumped and hydrated, as well as looking fresh and healthy overall. This contains cherry kernel oil which is supposed to be great at absorbing UV rays so they don't damage your skin. Drier-skinned ladies will find this lightweight enough to wear during the day under makeup.

Pai BioRegenerate Rosehip Oil* |£22 |This is an amazing, lightweight face oil that I like to use overnight. It doesn't clog the pores or break me out, instead it hydrates my skin and makes it look radiant and healthy. It's amazing at soothing any sensitivity and reducing redness. It isn't at all irritating, in fact it's nicely soothing, and rosehip helps to protect the skin against environmental aggressors.

Ixxi Detox Nighttime Emulsion* |£22 |这是漫长的一天后遮住疲倦的脸的理想产品!它确实具有浓烈的果味气味(其中包含李子黄油和松果作为其主要成分),我个人喜欢,但可能对非常敏感的皮肤不起作用,尽管也值得注意的是,这含有97%的天然成分。它具有如此滋养的配方(不会窒息或破坏我的皮肤),非常适合在一夜之间恢复您的皮肤。当我使用此服务后的第二天醒来时,我注意到我的皮肤更光滑,细纹的可见度较低,而且总体上更健康和健康。如果您的皮肤看起来干燥或暗淡,这是完美的,这两个问题可能是由于空气质量差而引起的。

Dermo 28恢复霜* |£59 | This is a really pricey option but it does work if you're looking for something soothing and hydrating that takes care of any dry patches. It helps to calm down the skin without being greasy or heavy and doesn't contain any irritating fragrances. It's also packed full of antioxidants and is designed to both repair and protect the skin from environmental factors.

Bioderma Hydrabio Eau de Soin SPF30|£9.50 |虽然这在夏季的高峰期不足以整日保护您的皮肤,但在一年中的大部分时间里,它肯定对我有用。这是一种非粘的水灯喷雾剂,是我的日常活动中快速简便的一步,可以刷新我的皮肤并保护它免受阳光的侵害(即使在阴天的日子里,它仍然会造成伤害)。它也非常适合进行进行进行的修饰,并且足够小,可以弹出您的手提包。

Urban Decay Urban Defense SPF30 Primer|£23 | Finally - an SPF product that applies smoothly without peeling! this actually has quite a silky, almost hydrating formula, as well as smoothing over any pores and fine lines. It's really hard to find SPFs that sit nicely underneath makeup but this is fantastic.

Ixxi Skin Enhancing Daily Defence Care* (Medium) | £23 | This is my option for oily and combination skin in terms of a light base product. Unfortunately it comes in a limited shade range and despite being labelled 'Medium' this is actually the darkest of the two shades (it's also worth noting that it has the same scent as the Detox Emulsion). It works fine for me, though is more orange than I personally like my base to be. It's very lightweight so won't give a lot of coverage, however it does even out the tone of the skin. I like to apply this with a damp sponge and it has a fairly matte finish (it's essentially a BB cream), which I found to be impressively long-wearing. 96% of the ingredients here are naturally-derived, including anti-oxidants to protect the skin from environmental aggressors, reduce the appearance of sun damage and slow down the ageing process.

Nars Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturiser|£29.50 | I do talk about this all the time, but it deserves another mention! It's so moisturising without being greasy, taking care of any dry patches, and gives the skin a radiant, flawless look. If you have dry skin then this will be your perfect everyday base, as it really evens out any redness or discolouration. It also contains broad spectrum sun protection, guarding your skin even during the less sunny months.

Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment in Petal|£20 | This is an amazing all-in-one product. It hydrates the lips, adds a natural wash of warm pink colour and also contains SPF15, protecting your delicate lips from sun damage. It's great because I always ensure my lip colour is topped up so using something like this ensures that when I'm out in the sun, I'm always protected from sore lips!

What are your favourite beauty products for protecting you from the environment?

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Disclosure- products marked * were sent to me for consideration however all opinions remain my own.


  1. When living in London pullotion protecting beauty products is such a good idea and got a lot of inspiration from this post Think I wanna try the Nars moisturiser as I have really dry skin

  2. Those herbal essences shampoo and conditioner sound really great and my hair could really use some loving at the moment! X
    Kate// itskaterose.com

    1. They're well worth checking out - such a bargain too! xx

  3. Bioderma hydro bio is good, at least it makes you feel protected during autumn&winter and even spring time, but as you said definitely not enough for summer. I'm not a primer person, however, that UD one sounds interesting. I really don't like the white cast most of the SPFs give so it goes to my wishlist :) x

    Ela Bellaworld

  4. I've not heard anyone talk about that UD primer, need to check it out! The new Nars SPF50 primer is apparently very good too. Finally some SPF products that actually work well with foundation! x

  5. I'm intrigued by the new Urban Decay primers, I will have to check them out in store. I'm huge fan of the Dr Botanicals oil, its so good! Also love the Pia oil too xx


    1. This one is so worth checking out - the best SPF product I've used! xx

  6. That shampoo and conditioner sounds amazing :D

    xxSofia |SOFIAADOT

  7. 肯定必须尝试其中的一些,听起来很棒!

    Lotte | www.lottebeautybox.blogspot.co.uk

  8. 很高兴我阅读了这篇文章 - 我最近开始了一种痤疮的药物,使皮肤超级干燥,我所有的碱都开始看起来很糟糕,因为它们是针对我通常油性皮肤的量身定制的。您已经让我想起了NARS有色保湿霜的出色表现,因为我的皮肤更干燥,对我来说应该是完美的!肯定也会研究其他一些产品!


    1. It's such a gentle product! I had an awful allergic reaction that was so painful last year and even once it cleared up my skin was super-sensitive - this is one of the few products I could use xx

  9. 城市生活确实对您的头发和皮肤造成了严重破坏,因此这很棒。我晚上使用排毒油,这确实非常适合更多皮肤。Pai他一直在我的热门名单上尝试!


  10. I'm really getting into more natural and eco friendly products recently. I think that it's so important to take care of yourself and environment. Need to try these products. xo


  11. I am all about increasing the anti-oxidant rich products in my skincare lately. That Dr Botanicals oil sounds absolutely amazing xxxx

  12. Pai Rosehip Oil is my absolute saviour! Need to try the Herbal Essences shampoo! x


  13. I would love it if anyone would check out my blog!!

  14. Love the sound of that Urban Decay primer. I'm really trying to use more SPF in my skincare routine but I hate the texture, gonna check that one out for sure!


  15. Great selection. City life is definitely tough on our skin!


  16. I think the UD Urban Defense primer is very innovative! The Fresh balm sounds great, too. I often put balm on under my lipsticks so I can have glam + sun protection.


  17. Thank you for your comments - I hope this is helpful :) xx

  18. I am so curious about that Pai Rosehip Oil - normally, these kind of oils work like magic on my super dry skin! Thank you for such an informative post Jasmine! xx

    Naya // www.partyparrotblog.com


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