The Radiant Skin Routine

I was recently treated to theCaudalie Vinoperfect Radiance Facial*在他们在Covent Garden的水疗精品店里,所以我想我会分享我对这次体验的想法。但是,我意识到,并非所有人都可以到达伦敦,许多人甚至可能在您的国家都没有Caudalie Spa精品店,所以我在这里使用他们的产品来审查我提高辐射的面部。

My visit to the Caudalie Spa

我真的很和善的天才的凭证使用Caudalie Boutique Spa near Covent Garden in London so just before I moved house, I popped over for the afternoon. It was exactly what I needed given that I’d had a really stressful week and moving house is always a bit of an inconvenience with landlords to juggle and stuff to move! It’s nestled away from the main shops down a little street of boutiques. Upstairs you have every single Caudalie product in existence! I thought I’d tried most of their range but it turns out I’d barely scratched the surface. Obviously after my facial I went back up there to purchase a few things because it’s 10% off everything if you’ve used the spa. I got both of the cleansers I talk about below but also the amazingLip Conditioner(reviewhere) and a mini of the beautiful手和指甲油(reviewhere).

Onto the facial itself; the spa room is so calm and relaxing and I had a nice detox tea before we started. I had the Vinoperfect Radiance treatment, which was perfect for me as my skin gets so dull and lifeless and especially for this time of year, I really like a healthy look. It was great to totally switch off and have my skin looked after for me in the process. The effects were pretty immediate - my skin was so clear, fresh and radiant - and I noticed the next day that my makeup looked so much better. The overall texture and quality of my skin was improved and everything just looked smoother and felt softer.

Products to use


Gentle Cleansing Milk|£15(全尺寸)|当然,第一步必须是卸妆,这是一种非常漂亮,轻巧的产品。虽然这不是我在充满睫毛膏和黑色衬里的夜晚之后所能达到的目标,但它是日常使用的非常可爱的产品。它非常保湿,因此也可以用作早晨或第二个清洁剂。

Instant Foaming Cleanser|£15(全尺寸)|This is pretty much all I use when I'm away because it's so handy to travel with. It's a foam cleanser that leaves my skin completely clean without stripping it. It's both refreshing and moisturising on the skin. This was used as a second cleanser during the facial and I love it for the mornings.

Grape Water|£6 | I pretty much always tone with a facial mist and I 实际上 比这个品牌闻名的美女更喜欢这个!万博manbext网页版这是一种简单的产品,因为它是100%的葡萄水,但令人耳目一新,因此轻巧和保湿。

糖果皮面膜* | £22 | The main treatment used during 面部是糖果皮面膜。如果您不熟悉基于AHA的产品,那么一般的想法是它们充当酸去角质剂。他们去除任何死皮细胞,整理出任何干斑,并揭示下面的新鲜辐射皮肤,并有助于消除任何旧的瑕疵疤痕或色素沉着。我喜欢这个产品,因为它是温和的,但非常有效。

Beauty Elixir|£12 | Of course the legendary Beauty Elixir was used on me during the facial to wake me back up after the face mask. This smells minty and really relaxing but also quite invigorating on the skin at the same time. The ingredients include the amazingly moisturising and radiance-boosting grape water (a common ingredient in most Caudalie products) and energising rosemary.

Vinoperfect Radiance Serum(不是图)|£45 |在这我不能说太多s product because I don't own it but I was impressed with the final results. This serum is aimed at correcting dark spots and boosting the skin's radiance.

Vine[Activ] Overnight Detox Oil(not pictured) | £30 | This was mixed in with our next product for the facial but I don't actually have this one. It contains antioxidants to renew the skin's cells, and again make it look more radiant and healthy.

Vinosource Night Recovery Oil* | £26 | This is one of my favourite overnight oils; it's so underrated and is at such a great price-point for this sort of product and for a decent-sized bottle. This just really hydrates the skin, making it smooth and plumping out any fine lines. It's a great idea to use something like this after a fairly intensive treatment like a glycolic mask because it really locks the moisture back into the skin and ensures it's nice and soothed.

How do you like to get radiant skin?

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Disclosure- products marked * were sent to me for consideration however all opinions remain my own.


  1. 夜晚恢复油听起来很可爱,我喜欢它的声音,因为我喜欢一夜之间工作的产品!


  2. I love the Vinoperfect Radiance Serum! I have been using it on and off for years whenever I feel my skin is dull and uneven. I'm surprised they skipped moisturizer and went straight into a facial oil. I wonder if that's the secret to radiant skin for oily/combination people.

    1. Yeah I never really use a moisturiser if I have an oil as they tend not to mix well! xx

  3. The beauty elixir sounds so nice, will have to look into this brand!

    Lotte | www.lottebeautybox.blogspot.co.uk

  4. I love Caudalie! One of my favourite skincare brands for sure :)


  5. I've got my eye on so many Caudalie products at the moment. I personally don't see the hype behind the Beauty Elixir after buying the travel size a couple of years back, but I've recently tried a few samples of other products and they've been fab. I've just bought a mask trial set from Feel Unique, and I'm excited to try the Glycolic Peel Mask!

    Sophie X |Essential Twenty

  6. I have never tried a caudalie product but I'll have to give it a go! I love the look of the bottles too - I love when a brand spends a lot of time working on their packaging!

    Rachael xox

  7. I have this mask and I love it so much! It definitely adds a really nice glow to my face after I've used it. I must try more bits from Caudalie!

    Tia |上午10点博客

  8. 这听起来像是一种非常可爱的宠爱!我必须尝试那个乙醇面膜 - SAL也向我推荐了xx


    1. 这绝对是该产品的最好的更柔和的版本:) xx

  9. This sounds like a lovely experience! I really enjoy Caudalie products and just finished up a sample of the vinoperfect serum so will have to look at getting a full size!

    Danielle's Beauty Blog

  10. 糖果皮面膜听起来很棒,我以前从未听说过这些产品!


  11. 多么好的机会!很高兴你玩得开心:)


  12. I could do with a lovely pampering session like this in the middle of the city yet somehow away from all the stress and hubbub!!! I love the Glycolic Peel and use it when I need to instantly brighten my skin. Grape Water is one I have to try xxx

    1. All of the grape water products are so hydrating! xx

  13. 非常感谢您的评论,我一直想尝试使用Caudalie Products一段时间,我永远不确定要尝试哪些产品,但是这些评论确实有所帮助!甚至可能会去伦敦去水疗中心!卡利·菲尔塞尔(Kali Filsell)


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