If You Buy One Thing This Month... | Dr Jart + Ceramidin Cream

It's the end of the month, so time again for me to share my ultimate standout from the past few weeks! This time round we have a skincare favourite which is surprising because, with moisturisers in particular, I have one or two that I tend to stick to. Don't get me wrong - I do try and enjoy new products regularly but I tend to revert back to the same handful of favourites. However a new product has muscled its way in: theDr Jart+ Ceramidin Cream| £35.50.

This came with a fair price tag and I didn't reallyneedanother moisturiser, so I waited a while before purchasing it. I've been on a bit of a mission to get through as much of my skincare as possible, finishing off open products that were half-used and passing on anything I felt lukewarm about, and I've actually managed to downsize quite a bit by doing this. I think I'll be operating a 'two out, one in' policy going forwards! As I'd wanted this for a while, I decided to treat myself at the end of last month and (although I guess it's still kind of early days) I can already see this is a firm favourite.

It comes in a metal tube (opaque, to stabilise the ceramides), and the box helpfully also contains a tube-squeezing key that I'll definitely be using for all of my skincare p roducts in this sort of packaging. You can use it as both a day cream and overnight, though I tend to apply it in the morning. I actually think this texture would suit most skin types (probably all bar oily) - you really don't need much product at all because it thins into a lightweight texture as you rub it. It's a thin layer on the skin that doesn't smother my skin or make it greasy, but is intensely moisturising at the same time.

In terms of ingredients, the centerpiece is obviously the ceramide content. These lipids occur naturally in the skin but our stores of them deplete over time. Applying products with this ingredient topically hydrates and smooths the skin, reinforcing its natural barrier, helping to reduce signs of aging and sun damage. This product is also free from parabens and sulphates, as well as artificial colours and fragrances, which is what I hope for from a dermatologically-led Korean skincare brand like this.

Essentially, if you want soft, smooth, hydrates skin that looks and feels healthy; this could be your perfect moisturiser. It gets rid of any dry patches and smoothes out any lines caused by dehydration. It's functional, no-frills skincare that's perfect for everyday. I can trust it to do the job time and time again, which is exactly what I want from a moisturiser!

Have you tried this cream? What's been your #1 product of April?

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Disclosure- products marked * were sent to me for consideration however all opinions remain my own.

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  1. This has been on my 'to buy' list for a while but I need to finish up some other moisturisers first! xx


  2. I’ve tried this cream in the store and it always feels so nice on my skin! Thank you for the full recommendation! I think my standout product this month is the Sephora concealer brush #71; the shape allows for really easy application and it blends concealer really nicely! xAllie

  3. This is highly recommended by so many but whenever I want to buy it through Sephora, it's always sold out! One day it will be mine but like you, I too am on a mission to finish as many skincare as I could from my current stash.

    Shireen⎜Reflection of Sanity

  4. Your blog is just absolutely amazing
    I could literally spend hours scrolling through it.
    Keep up the fantastic job, baby <3


  5. This cream sounds like a true favourite and I'd love to give it a try. I heard so many great things about Dr Jart+. I've recently discovered Estée Lauder's ANR serum so I guess this would be my favourite April product.


  6. I always thought this moisturiser is specifically formulated for dry skin so never paid attention to it as my skin is more on the combination side but now you've made me curious :) x

    Mummy's Beauty Corner

  7. I love Dr.Jart masks but never looked into their creams! I think I have a sample of this that I should try out! I agree with the post below - always thought it was for dry skin!


  8. I'm definitely intrigued by this product - the brand has been on my mind lately but I haven't been sure about where to begin - This sounds like something my skin would love.


  9. Ooh this cream sounds lovely and hydrating and I adore the pastel yellow packaging xo

    Char | www.charslittleblog.co.uk

  10. I've been finishing up a lot of skincare but not because I have so many, it's because I'm trying to prevent wastage. I don't think I've read a bad review on this cream and it's definitely one I'd love to try one day. Xx

    Toni |sheergloss

  11. That is it, you have completely sold me on this and I am going to have to try it out straight away!

    Danielle xx

  12. Yeah there's definitely no point in having a lot of moisturisers open at once! x

  13. Sephora's own brand brushes are so underrated! x

  14. It's really great! I see myself switching to a gel formula during the height of summer when I'm a bit shinier but I'm loving it right now :) x

  15. I'm keen to try more from them now! x

  16. Yeah it won't keep forever so there's no point in having several open at once :) x

  17. I've been wanting to try this for ages. Glad to hear it's worth the investment. I also need to adopt the 2 out one in policy, my stash is getting insane! xx



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