
是时候再次引导您浏览我最近发现的一些高端美容钻头,并认为值得一看 - 希望您享受!万博manbext网页版

Bareminerals Matte SPF15基金会(金裸色16)|£27 |我觉得我有点旅途来找到这个产品!我心爱的封面FX Matte BB凝胶在一个夏天看到了我的许多夏天,所以当我去年一年回购时,我感到震惊,发现它已经停止了。实际上,很难找到一个轻质的哑光底座!我唯一可以追踪的类似产品是Clinique Stay-Matte,但是我的范围没有阴影匹配。那是我顿悟的时候:粉粉!我拿起了著名的Bareminerals配方的哑光版,我真的很喜欢。我很高兴我在假期中找到了一些及时的东西,因为这滴答了所有的盒子:它很轻,它是哑光的(但不是沉重而粉状的),而且持久,即使在阳光明媚的日子里也保持光芒我们最近在英国一直在这里。 The one bit that takes a bit of practice is knowing where and how much to apply as it obviously isn't as visible on the skin as a liquid formula.

Urban Decay麻烦制造睫毛膏* |£19.50 | I received this mascara along with a few other Urban Decay products a couple of months ago - I'd never really heard of it or looked into it, so just gave it a go completely blind and really liked it. I've since had a Google and know a lot of people weren't huge fans of it, however I can only talk about my experience and maybe if you like similar mascaras to me then this will be a good one for you. It gives me great volume without clumping my lashes together, makes them super-dark and also lengthens and curls. What I would say is that when my eyes water, it definitely does transfer off a little - strange given it's super-long-wearing claims!

罗丹唇膏在天上的霍普* |£28 |罗丹(Rodin)是我在Instagram上视觉上熟悉的品牌,但从未尝试过 - 我目前正在尝试一些他们的护肤品,所以一旦完成测试,我会更新您!不过,到目前为止,我喜欢这款可爱的奶油唇膏。它具有轻微的光泽,并在嘴唇上感到舒适。这种颜色是一种天然的裸色粉红色 - 我经常穿上这类阴影,但可以从它们那里转移出来,所以在我的收藏中有类似的东西真是太好了。我也真的很喜欢清晰的包装!

Urban Decay All Nighther设置喷雾剂* |£10(旅行尺寸)|你能相信我永远不会尝试全力以赴吗?实际上,我确实有一个轻松的版本,我每天都使用它,我很高兴这些薄雾现在更加实用,因为那白色得到了肮脏呢这是一个非常出色的产品,可以整天整天看起来新鲜,我仍然发现这个版本可以阻止我的T区域上的光泽。

沙与天空澳大利亚粉红色粘土去角质治疗* |£34.50 |我喜欢例行剥离治疗ment to keep my skin smooth, soft and radiant. This clay treatment contains both physical exfoliation and chemical (via AHAs). You simply massage it onto the skin, leave for 5-10 minutes and then rinse. I personally find this very gentle - though it's not the most dramatic in terms of the results, I can see it's done the trick after use without feeling really intense on my skin. This also means I can use it more regularly than some of the really strong treatments I have in my skincare collection. If you have sensitive skin, this may not be for you however as it does involve using two types of exfoliation on your skin at the same time.

祝福快乐身体油* |£34 |我真的很喜欢身体油,这种配方正在滋养而不油腻或粘稠。它只是闻到令人振奋的夏日果味幸福!这里有很多天然水果油,包括覆盆子,桃子和普通话。我的一个负数是,尽管瓶子很漂亮,但确实需要一个飞溅的塞子,这样您就不会一次倒出所有产品!(更新 - 现在有一个泵,您可以检查一下here。)

Elemis Frangipani淋浴花蜜* |£25&Body Polish* |I received these two products as part of a QCV promotion and the Radiance bundle is still available在他们的网站上for £67 - I definitely recommend checking it out because I'm already loving the Overnight Matrix (review in the works) which comes with a hefty price tag if purchased individually. Anyway this pairing smells极好的呢It's so hard to describe; I'd call it a sort of sweet, warm floral scent. The Nectar is almost like a shower oil and feels so hydrating on the skin. The body polish is a really nice, gentle product that buffs dry skin away without rubbing my skin raw.

Macadamia Natural Oil Healing Oil Treatment* |£28.99 |我喜欢在潮湿的头发上使用油性治疗,然后再吹干以将水分锁定在我的头发中。这是一个非常可爱的选择,因为它不是粘性的,但是可以补充我的干末端并滋养长度。我认为1泵对此产品很好,因为您可以过度贴上它,这使其在头发上感觉有些沉重。但是,自从几周前我开始使用它以来,我一直发现我的头发看起来更健康,更亮,所以建议您检查一下,如果您的头发干燥,暗淡或损坏。



披露- 标记 *的产品已发送给我供我考虑,但是所有意见仍然是我自己的。



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