If You Buy One Thing This Month... | Juvia's Place the Warrior Palette

This month's highlight for me beauty-wise has to be thejuvia的地方战士调色板|21美元。我真的很喜欢OPV Oshun调色板too, however I know those sorts of shades won't be for everyone and I already reviewed thathere。然而,这是一个非常普遍的色调选择。我会掩盖我如何订购它,有点关于品牌,当然审查和样品的色调,所以如果你对这款调色板感兴趣,我希望这篇文章有用!

I really do love Juvia's Place after having tried the撒哈拉调色板(审查) 去年。阴影的质量在我的经历中是惊人的,他们的收藏中有一些非常有趣和独特的阴影。他们主要是一个眼影品牌,销售单打和调色板,还有一些脸颊调色板和刷子。这实际上是他们收藏中只有两个更中性的调色板之一,因为它们倾向于关注颜色。调色板主要用更深层次的肤色制作 - 显然如果你是公平的,这些颜色仍然可以在你身上看起来很棒,只是他们不会在较暗的皮肤上拉灰。

Although Juvia's Place is stocked atBeauty Bay,他们目前没有战士调色板(我在推特上看到了一个谣言,他们不会得到它 - 虽然我不确定这是如何真正的)所以我刚刚决定继续订购并直接订购它从他们的网站。如果您有一个快速谷歌,您将能够获得一点折扣的联盟代码 - Angelica和Nikkie都将它们从头顶上脱离。此调色板常常缺货,但您可以设置警报,以便您在回来时收到一封电子邮件,因此您不必继续检查网站。

运往英国的航运大约是13美元,这是一个公平的金额,但是调色板无论如何,Beauty Bay是25-30英镑。万博manbext网页版要派遣大约一个星期的时间,可能是它如此如此的需求,但在此之后它通过联邦快递到达了几天,这非常令人惊叹!令人作呕的一个阴影到达损坏了,但是我刚刚决定用摩擦酒精来修复它,因为我不想要麻烦和等待偏离替代 - 破碎的阴影与其他人一样,它只是看起来不像很漂亮!联邦快递确实在交货后给我发电子邮件,提出了5英镑的职责我通过电子邮件向他们说我很乐意支付5英镑,但不是12英镑,特别是项目损坏。他们实际上放弃了全部金额!我做了一些谷歌曲,似乎如果您挑战处理费,他们通常会将其删除。

(UPDATED 01/08/18: Juvia's Place now has a UK site that you can check outhere!)

The packaging material obviously isn't very premium, however given the price-point and the effort put into the design itself, this doesn't bother me hugely. It's cardboard and the palette is fairly big but pretty slimline. It has the name of the palette down the spine, which is handy, and also on the front alongside this gorgeous imagery (this reminds me a bit of the character design for the guards in Black Panther, which is very fitting given the warrior theme). Each Juvia's Place palette has a different African theme in terms of the images and shade names. I think this theme really works with the sandy neutral vibe of the colours.

The quality of these eyeshadows is just as good - if not better - than the Saharan palette I have and I find the formula to be consistent across the shades. You get full pigmentation from a single swipe and it really does translate when you apply them using a brush on the eyelids. If you add in a bit of Fix+ (or your setting spray of choice) then the shimmers perform like foiled shadows and you get that liquid metal effect. There are three mattes in here that are smooth, opaque and blend like a dream. I also find these shadows to be really long-wearing - last month I wore them to work (so they went on at about 7am) and then to London and out for dinner and drinks and they still looked pretty good when I arrived around 7pm and even at midnight when we got in. I'd definitely say they last better on me than the Saharan palette shades.

This palette has more shimmers than mattes (6 vs. 3) however I don't mind so much because the mattes included pair really well with all of the shimmer shades. Amina (the one that was sadly broken) is a warm golden-champagne nude shimmer that's just gorgeous across the lid for an everyday look. Idia is a warm yellow-amber gold shimmer. Mino is a very dark, slightly cooler brown matte that's great for adding depth and smokiness to a look. Ahosi is a cream matte (I don't tend to reach for these colours in a palette). Moremi is my go-to highlight colour; a white-gold shimmer. Kano is the shade I use in the crease; it's a warm, almost butterscotch-toned brown matte that definitely has a hint of yellow to it. Dahomey is a deep orange gold shimmer. Bakwa is a light yellow gold shimmer - it is fairly similar to Idia though, so I'm not sure both are entirely necessary. Finally we have Benin, a slightly cooler, almost taupe-undertoned bronze shimmer that I tend to pair with Amina.

Overall I'm so happy with this palette and can't recommend it enough! The colours and quality are amazing and perfect for a sandy-toned summer look. As I said, I'm not sure if it's coming to Beauty Bay but hopefully it will. If you can't wait then you can order off the website and by the time you've paid the shipping and a small amount of customs it's about the same price as it would be from them anyway (I just recommend challenging the 'handling fee' they try to add on) and this arrived very quickly.

Have you tried Juvia's Place? As an aside - please let me know what you think of these swatch stencils! Do you prefer to see the shades shown like this?



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