Skincare with Instant Results

有时,您只想让您的护肤快速解决问题!今天,当我需要那些即时结果时,我正在汇总我所拿的产品 - 如果我吃得太多,而睡觉的时间不够我想尽力而为。


彼得·托马斯·罗斯南瓜酶面膜* | £55.50 | This mask isn't for the faint-hearted but I absolutely love it! It's the first thing I reach for before a special occasion; it contains both micro-exfoliation particles (to physically buff away dead skin cells) but also pumpkin enzymes to exfoliate the skin chemically. I also looove that warm spiced pumpkin scent! This leaves my skin so incredibly smooth, taking care of any dry patches and making my complexion look clearer, fresher and more radiant.

普通AHA 30%&BHA 2%剥皮解决方案|£6.30 |您能相信我的护肤库费用最有效的产品之一刚刚超过6英镑吗?这是一种非常不寻常的产品 - 它在包装上有可怕的警告,并且具有类似于血液的水稠度……但是,您只需将其涂抹5-10分钟,然后冲洗即。AHA令人惊叹,可以使皮肤变亮,而BHA具有帮助任何斑点消失的额外好处(尽管显然直到使用后第二天才开始使用)。它还具有惊人的澄清效果,并使我的皮肤瞬间看起来更漂亮!不用说;对于敏感的皮肤而言,这可能不会很好,但是我确实有一些更温和的选择。

Kate Somerville ExfoliKate Treatment* | £33 (as part of a set) | ...However this also isn't one of them! This is a seriously intense mask-treatment product that you only need to use for two minutes to get the effect. It comes out in a sort of paste that gives an instant tingling sensation on the skin once applied. It chemically exfoliates the skin with pumpkin, pineapple and papaya extracts and it honestly looks and feels like I have new skin after using it. It gives me that fresh, bright skin that's much needed when things are dull and spotty, as it does also clarify the skin at the same time.

Pixi Peel & Polish|£26 | When I want manual exfoliation; I reach for this product. It's a cream with micro-exfoliation particles - it's nothing overly harsh on the skin like some of the other products I've mentioned here, but does give that super-smooth finish. It gently buffs away any dead skin cells so there are no dry patches and my makeup applies evenly.

REN Ready Steady Glow Daily AHA Tonic* | £25 | Thismaaaaay要超越Pixi Glow Tonic作为我的最爱...这既是长期产品,也是即时产品。从本质上讲,这是一种酸去角质剂,您每天或每隔一天用作碳粉一次使用一次。随着时间的流逝,它有助于您的肤色和肤色均匀,如果您的色素沉着过度,这尤其如此。然而,在短期内,乳酸使您的皮肤增强了辐射,并使情况变得光滑。如果您的皮肤看起来有些乏味,并且您想一步一步就不必用口罩来搭配,那就太好了。


车身车间茶树油|£12 | This is a product I've repurchased several times and I think I'll always have in my collection because it justworks! If I have a pesky spot or an active breakout, I just dab a bit of this onto the affected area before bed and in the morning, any small spots have vanished and any large, sore ones have shrunk and calmed down considerably. It's just a great simple, effective treatment if you have occasional breakouts.

Super Facialist Salicylic Acid Pore Purifying Clay Mask* | £9.99 | This another budget miracle-worker of my routine! If my skin is breaking out and looking a bit tired and dull; I can trust this to turn things around. This is a clay mask which does harden on the skin and feels quite intense, so if your skin is sensitive, this could aggravate it a little. This is an amazing, concentrated hit of BHA that leaves my skin smooth, bright and clear.

Hydration and Glow

Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Aloe, Herbs and Rosewater|£11 | If my skin is a bit dry, lacklustre or irritated - I reach for this face mist to instantly calm and hydrate things. With some face mists you spray them and they provide superficial hydration that doesn't really last, however this isn't like that at all! My skin stays nice and soft even when I'm applying my makeup.

Pai Rosehip Biorgegerator Oil* | £24 | This is an amazing overnight solution for dry, tired skin. It's a lightweight oil that never makes my skin feel greasy and doesn't clog my pores. It softens and smooths my skin by morning and gets rid of any dry patches. It leaves my skin looking fresh and healthy really quickly and I love that. If you use this over a longer period of time it also helps to even the tone and texture of the skin.

Caudalie Moisturising Mask* | £22 | I reach for this mask a lot before special occasions when I need my skin to look fresh and hydrated. It's like a super-intensive softening moisturiser that sinks into the skin and I rise off after around 15-20 minutes so it can work its magic. It just gives my skin a plumper appearance and a healthier look overall. It contains their grape water and hyaluronic acid, which I find so amazing and hydrating!

Lixir Vitamin C Paste|£32 | This is a great quick fix if you just need a glow boost. This gel-textured product can be put on dry skin (with slightly damp fingertips), left for 3-5 minutes and then rinsed off. I notice instantly that my skin looks dewy and luminous after use!

Clarify and Renew

Dr Roebuck's Uluru Purifying Mask* | £25 | I always have a deep-cleanse clay mask in my arsenal for when my skin is congested and tired. It really helps clear up my skin and immediately makes it feel cleaner and look fresher. It feels quite intense and does dry down on the skin, however I don't mind because it really works for me! It also helps with any texture and imperfections.

Niod Copper Amino Isolate Serum 2:1* | £60 | This is definitely an investment, but there is a smaller version you can try and I've actually picked up a similar product from the Ordinary that I'll let you know how I get on with! This is a watery serum that's blue in colour. It has this amazing renewing effect that's unlike anything I've really tried before, evening the tone and texture of my skin, just making it look fresh, radiant and its absolute best!


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披露- 标记 *的产品已发送给我供我考虑,但是所有意见仍然是我自己的。

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