如果您本月购买一件事... |Caudalie S.O.S.口渴的血清

我是一个秘密巨大的Caudalie护肤者的粉丝 - 我什至去了他们酒店和水疗中心over summer! I've recently been loving theirVinosource S.O.S.口渴的血清* |£29 |因此,这是我每月杰出美容推荐的自然选择...万博manbext网页版

I have a bit of an annoying skin type; it's combination, so I definitely get dry patches but my t-zone can also become a little shiny throughout the day. At the same time it's really dehydrated, so my aim is to find products that plump up my skin and give it a hit of moisture without being too rich. Although I can go for a more heavy-duty moisturiser during autumn / winter, my ideal serum is something lightweight that packs a punch.

This serum is almost water-light (and is oil-free) so absorbs quickly and easily into my skin and the formula is packed full of the Caudalie grape juice and water, which really does have that 'thirst quenching' effect on my parched skin. I do have some fine lines on my forehead in particular, which always look deeper and more visible when my skin is extra-dehydrated, and the Hyaluronic Acid in this serum plumps things out nicely so my makeup doesn't settle into them. It leaves things so smooth and also very soft to the touch.


It gives my skin lasting hydration and is nicely soothing, so I know it's going to be an essential as we head into winter - I'm already a good way through it. That would probably be my only drawback of this product; the super-watery consistency means I'm getting through it fast. Whilst £29 isn't unreasonable for a serum, I know I'll probably have used up this bottle before the end of winter!

Have you tried Caudalie skincare? What do you look for in a serum?


Disclosure - products marked * were gifted to me as unpaid advertisement for the brands / websites mentioned. All opinions expressed are my own. Please read my disclosure page for more information.



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