再见2018,你好2019 ...

I know it's a cliche but it's a little surreal to be sat here another year old, writing another one of these posts as another 12 months have hurtled past. At the same time, I kind of believe it because so much has changed looking back at what I wrote back in December 2017. So, get a cup of tea and let's talk about how 2018 went for me, what my goals are for 2019 and my standout books, tv shows and other lifestyle favourites for the year!

- 回顾2018年 -

If I had to sum up 2018 in one word it would be 'rollercoaster'! I'm trying to just trust my journey in life because so many things haven't ended up the way I originally wanted them to in the past, but here I am; doing fine, perhaps even 'living my best life' (I actuallyhate那句话...)我肯定看到了2018年的一些挫折,这些挫折令人沮丧,令人失望,实际上很笨拙,但也许是伪装的祝福。尽管我肯定仍然对其中一些绊脚石感到不安,但我希望将来会回头看,并为事情的发展方式感到高兴!

I think 2018 was the year when I really worked out who and what is important to me. I feel so grateful to have the close, strong friendships I have and I think being single this year made me appreciate those people even more and very glad that I've always taken the time to maintain my friendships. I've been to two weddings this year; one of which I was a bridesmaid at, and it's been amazing to see the people I'm close to start these new, exciting lives. I'm really happy living in Birmingham and have met some pretty cool people here through work and blogging. I've also been travelling the country to see my friends and seen more of my family this year 。我也遇到了一个非常特别的人,目前我很高兴(相信我,到达那里花了很多脚趾弯曲的笨拙的约会!)

I didn't actually buy a flat this year but having managed to get myself in a more financially stable position, I definitely want to and did get myself an agreement in principle. I guess I'm just waiting on having the security in my career to really cement my life in Birmingham and take the plunge. However, who knows what 2019 has in store for me...

In terms of personal pursuits; I got my ACII, which is the industry qualification I've been working towards for the past 2.5 years, I finished writing my first novel (read about the experiencehere)并开始学习开车。这本书尤其是我从未想过的成就,因为我停下来并开始写作很多次!现在,我正在开始不可避免的漫长而复杂的编辑过程...



Right at the top of the list for me is getting my drivers license; I plan on booking my theory and starting work on that in the new year. In terms of the practical, I've just been focusing on building my confidence up so far as opposed to putting lots of pressure on myself in terms of the test, however I will see how it goes and get that in the diary once I feel a little more comfortable.

I definitely think career progression is high on the agenda this year and buying a flat kind of goes hand-in-hand with that. Whatever happens; I definitely just want to work out where I stand in 2019 and if I'm going to be in Birmingham in the long-term, which I hope is going to be possible for all the reasons I just mentioned!



这部电影是对美国种族的及时观察,通常是Spike Lee Flair。尽管它是在70年代设定的,但您不必深入研究它,以了解这个真实故事仍然有多相关。它讲述了罗恩·斯塔尔沃西(Ron Stallworthy)的故事;科罗拉多州警察局的第一位黑人官员以某种方式设法通过电话渗入KKK,并将其犹太同事绑架到秘密的任务中,以伪造他的本地分会计划,以挫败恐怖分子。是的,接到欢闹,但这几乎是不舒服的笑声。尽管这部电影有一些直接的笑话。您还会发现自己在笑,然后想知道您是否真的应该出于纯粹的不适感或大笑。在这部电影中,您还会哭泣,生气并感受到真正的情感。尽管如此,它也是如此的真实,也是如此的真实,并提出与当时一样重要的问题。

Obviously, from what I just said, I think films about racism and history are important but I also think the pure escapism of Black Panther was a breath of fresh air this year. Personally, I'd definitely fallen out of love with Marvel in recent years but this film got me excited again. It takes place in the secret, technologically-advanced kingdom of Wakanda where T'Challa is the new Black Panther. The Wakandans both have to fight off those who want to use their resources for evil and decide how much longer they can keep Wakanda a secret if it means not helping the rest of the world. At the same time there are several challengers for the Black Panther title... I loved everything about this film; from the humour to the costumes and setting to the cast!

我不知道为什么我没有听到更多关于film, because if you have similar taste to me; it has all the ingredients you want from a psychological thriller. The story takes place in an isolated island community (set during an ambiguous time period) and the main character is a sheltered young woman living with her overbearing parents. She's pulled out of her numb, mundane life when she meets the village outsider and they start a passionate relationship. Around the same a rapist and murderer terrorises the community and our main character goes back and forth over whether she thinks it's her new lover or if he's innocent... This film is the ultimate example of how to create and build tension; I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. I also think the way in which it's shot is so interesting - it's very sensory, visceral and immersive. It also brilliantly shows the main character mentally unravelling as you begin to question her entire version of events...

I'm not usually one for action / heist films but I had to make an exception for director Steve McQueen and an all-female cast. There are some seriously impressive performances in this film about a group of widows from different walks of life who band together to pull off one last heist that their criminal husbands had been planning, in order to pay off debts to criminals and secure new lives for themselves. This all takes place against the backdrop of Chicago during a electoral campaign with two candidates who are hardly squeaky-clean. It's not only entertaining but deals with some heavy themes and showcases some amazing performances from the ensemble cast.

TV:the Haunting of Hill House

This has to be my favourite nature series by David Attenborough because it's so focused and narrative. Each episode hones in on an endangered species and, with the help of experts who have studied these animals for decades (I alsolove您每部分期付款后获得的10分钟幕后奖金)确实讲述了他们的故事。我最喜欢的仍然是黑猩猩,因为我发现社会动态令人着迷。然而,所有零件都捕捉了一些令人难以置信的时刻,并展示了一些令人惊叹的镜头。

书:为什么我不再与白人谈论Renni Eddo-Lodge的种族
我今年肯定会消耗更多的事实书籍,因此,如果您可以推荐我想我想要的任何小说 - 请告诉我!这对我来说绝对是2018年的杰出人物,因为它以易于理解的方式彻底描绘了英国种族的照片,并回到了问题的根源。如果您曾经与只是不“获得”的人进行令人沮丧的对话您需要指向人们的目标。

老实说,我从未听说过1979 - 1981年亚特兰大儿童谋杀案,直到我看到UP和消失的制造商正在为该话题创建播客(另一个真正的犯罪播客)。这并不是一个艰苦的证据拼凑而成的,而是对围绕故事的主题和谋杀案发生的背景的探索。它质疑警察对案件的叙述和处理,是否所有孩子甚至都被同一人杀死,以及这些罪行的政治和种族影响。







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