As the cold winter weather sets in, my skin is definitely in need of a bit of extra TLC! Today I wanted to share with you some of the products fromAntipodes Natural Skincare我最近一直在使用它。

Certified Organic Grapeseed Butter Cleanser* |£24.99 |This is a semi-solid cleanser you have to warm between your fingers to get it a little oiler so it can be applied to your face to remove makeup. I do find this effective at lifting all of my makeup, including waterproof mascara and eyeliner, and it doesn't sting my eyes, which are pretty watery and sensitive. What I'm not so keen on with is that I do feel it leaves behind a bit of an excess on my skin after I remove it with a damp cloth. I wouldn't say this gives any negative effects, I just don't personally like the feel, however you may appreciate the extra nourishment if you have drier skin. The ingredients in this one include: grape extract, lavender, cacao butter and blue chamomile.

格蕾丝温柔的奶油清洁剂* |£24.99 |这是我过去几周晚上的日常生活。它有一个可爱的淡奶油纹理,闻起来非常好。我发现它是水合和平静的,当我的皮肤感到恼火时帮助一点。其成分包括葡萄,澳洲坚果,薰衣草和鳄梨油。它柔化,平滑和保湿我的皮肤,而不是太丰富。对我来说;这是冬季的完美第二种清洁。

Reincarnation Pure Facial Exfoliator* |£21 | This is kind of like the Grace cleanser + mild exfoliation. It has a cream base with a lot of the same sorts of ingredients as the cleanser like avocado oil and calendula oils (plus carrot and tonka beans) so still gives your skin some nourishment. However it contains light, natural exfoliation in the form of jojoba beans. This isn't what I'd reach for if I had a really stubborn dry patch I was trying to shift, however it works as a gentle everyday cleanser and exfoliator in one step.

Worship Skin Defence Antioxidant Serum* |£34.99 | As this is a natural product it has a slightly odd scent and is actually brown in colour, but as it's a gel it does go transparent as you spread it on the skin. It's fast-absorbing and doesn't leave a sticky or tacky feel behind after application. It contains ingredients such as blackcurrant, kiwi, red grape and Vitamin E. It's intended to help prevent ageing and combat radicals. It definitely hydrates and smooths my skin, leaving it feeling plumper and looking healthier.

Rejoice Light Facial Day Cream* |£26 |这种轻量级奶油保湿剂配制用麦卢卡油,甜杏仁,香草豆荚和鳄梨油。这绝对给了我所需的营养,而不让我的皮肤油腻或在表面上留下湿滑。它闻起来非常可爱,对我的皮肤有良好的平滑效果,以及照顾任何干斑。这不是我最喜欢的保湿霜,但我喜欢它,它现在为我做这项工作。

Divine Face Oil* |£21.99 | This is definitely on the more 'oily' side in terms of the oils I tend to use but it doesn't break me out or getoverly油腻的;我只是尽量不要申请太多,把我t on a good amount of time before heading to bed. This oil is formulated with avocado oil, rosehip, ylang ylang, jasmine and sweet orange. It's very hydrating on my dry winter skin and gives my complexion that healthy glow. I love rosehip oil for clarifying my skin and evening its tone out so I'm looking forward to seeing if this helps in that respect over a longer period of use.

Halo Skin-Brightening Mud Mask* |£26.99 | This face mask is formulated with grape, kiwi, peony and mineral mud. It确实hardens on the skin (I leave it on for 10-15 minutes) but it's worth it for me because it doesn't suck out the moisture and leaves my skin looking brand new after use. It contains antioxidants and brightens and evens out the skin's tone. I love the fresh, clean feeling I get after using this mask and it's definitely worth a look if you suffer from skin dullness or uneven pigmentation.

Aura Manuka蜂蜜面膜* |£22 | We'll finish on an old favourite of mine; this is actually my 4th tube of the stuff! It's a gorgeous face mask with a runny, honey-like consistency formulated with manuka honey and mandarin. As you leave it on over 15-20 minutes, it starts to absorb into the skin. It's so nourishing and hydrating, plus manuka honey is naturally antibacterial, so using this can also help clear up any breakouts you might have. It's a great all-rounder for lacklustre skin, which is why it'll always have a place in my collection.

你试过Antipodes Skincare吗?


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