

在2019年,一个新的指导方针th生效at will impact everyone from Kendall Jenner to a small beauty Instagram page with 1000 followers receiving gifted products for the first time. Today I wanted to do a bit of an deep-dive into what these changes mean for bloggers and influencers, what we need to be aware of and how we can ensure we're following them, as well as going a little into the background of why these guidelines have been put in place. I hope this is useful and if you have any other questions or concerns - let’s all have a discussion in the comments!

- 为什么我们需要新的准则?-

很长一段时间的世界影响力a place of self-regulation in terms of how we work with brands. Remember - influencers aren't just bloggers, they can be everyone from reality TV stars to luxury lifestyle Instagrammers. Whilst bloggers in particular generally understand disclosure will likely already have a set approach and a disclaimer on their platform, how many unlabelled ads have you seen from Love Island rejects for skinny tea, coffee scrubs and teeth whitening?

The guidelines aim to create a clear and consistent approach so it is clear when influencers are working with brands and on what basis. This means that consumers will know what to look for and will be informed right off the bat if they're consuming content that is a brand promotion or sponsorship. As many of us like to incorporate brand content seamlessly into non-branded content so it feels authentic to us, this makes it even more important to be clear on when consumers are being advertised to.

- 你需要知道什么 -

The pertinent points for me are as follows...

Gifting is advertising

This is the bit that I think is quite confusing to consumers because posts marked as sponsored or advertisements are commonly understood to mean that an influencer has received payment for content. However now the ASA considers gifting / samples to be an ‘unpaid advertisement’, whether it was something you got in a goodie bag at an event or products you were sent to feature in a promotion relating to a specific campaign. What we have to bear in mind is that these guidelines cover a really wide range of influencers in different niches and of different sizes; it's meant to be able to apply equally to huge YouTube beauty gurus being whisked off to Mauritius as it is to minor reality TV 'celebrities' getting free cosmetic procedures as it is for me, getting a few beauty products here and there!


Influencers use a variety of terms that can be open to interpretation - sometimes it's just a personal preference, other times people are trying to be underhand with disclosing paid-for content. The guidelines advise that the phrase 'advert' or its derivatives should be used as opposed to 'sponsorship' or ambiguous phrases like 'in association with' or 'shout out to [insert brand]'. This is to encourage a consistent approach and eliminate any confusion.


如果您在博客上使用会员链接 - 请注意链接产品被视为广告,如果所有帖子都是关于附属链接的产品 - 整件事是广告。它实际上并没有区分特定的品牌隶属关系和插件,可以自动通过他们可以进行任何链接 - 我个人认为他们是两个非常不同的东西(在撰写本文时,您甚至不太可能知道哪些链接将被批准后一种情况,它并没有在整个帖子中广告特定的东西),但我可能需要接触到ASA以获得官方指导。


Even if a product that was gifted to me is in the background of a shot or the photo is just an illustrative image and I’m not actually talking about the products in the post or caption, I’m still flagging them as unpaid advertisements, as that is my interpretation of the rules, however I can’t help but wonder if this makes the disclaimer a little meaningless. As there’s a huge difference between a product on the shelf in the background of a photo and products being sent for a specific feature to promote a brand and it can be very difficult to get this nuance across in an Instagram caption. However if every beauty blogger you follow just got sent the latest launch from [insert brand] and you see it being posted about (because everyone’s PR package just arrived) - you could be misled into thinking ‘it’s everywhere because it’s so amazing’ whereas actually, it’s because the PR went out.

什么也阐述是它应该also be disclosed where you have a relationship with a brand, whether or not you purchased the products yourself or not. So, for example, I was sent 1 Charlotte Tilbury product a while back - as a big fan of the brand, I own probably a dozen of her products, bought with my own money and many of them waaaay before they ever got in touch with me to send me that single item. Another example is that I’ve regularly collaborated with Cult Beauty and shop on their site a lot outside of this (most recently I did a big haul and review of Milk Makeup products, which are stocked exclusively on Cult Beauty) - if I link a product I bought from their website to them, does that need disclosure of a brand relationship, given it isn’t even actually their product...? What about in the related Instagram post I’d share to promote my blog post? I'm not really sure of the answer - it's something we're probably all going to have to figure out over time together!


你该怎么办?步骤一步是为了更新或创建博客的披露页面,这允许您解释指南的空间以及如何遵守它们。我个人也在我的帖子的底部链接到包含有天赋的物品或包含付费内容的帖子 - 它只会将人们指导到更多信息,而无需在每个帖子下投入文本段落!即使是我自己的披露页面需要工作 - 我想让一切清楚并掩盖任何疑虑或读者可能拥有的问题,但我不确定我解决一切的愿望是否使其凌乱和难以消化......这绝对是什么我计划定期重新审视,以确保尽可能清晰简洁。

我还建议在您的帖子中使用标准化免责声明,这些帖子具有任何品牌协作 - 一个用于天才产品/经验以及用于付费赞助的帖子。如果您在每次发布时使用相同的格式和术语,您的受众将能够更容易地识别和理解您披露的内容。

I think the intention of these guidelines is to encourage a mindset where we as influencers are proactively considering consumers when we share our content. It's standardising how we talk about these topics and making sure we have that extra little sense check on whether there's something our audience should be made aware of. It's just how we set our own rules on this in practice.

- 我的个人想法 -


What do you think of the new guidelines? Have you made any changes to how you disclose brand affiliations on your platforms?

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