Pixi Skintreats |THE GLOW EDIT

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Pixi Beauty (one of my favourite skincare brands, and probably my #1 at this nicely mid-range price-point) recently added some new products to the range they created around their famed Glow Tonic! I was kindly sent them over to try so today I'm returning my verdict.

I feel like I need to introduceGlow Tonic* |10英镑(旅行尺寸)|在审查新产品之前,因为该传奇的范围受到启发!它化学去除皮肤,去除死细胞,使您的皮肤更平滑,干贴片软化,其整体音调和质地得到改善。除了即时发光的速度 - 提高这样的产品可以给予,乙醇酸真的有助于摆脱来自旧瑕疵疤痕的超色素沉着。这是酸性碳粉,我总是为初学者推荐,因为它只是浓度5%,含有其他舒缓成分,如芦荟和植物提取物!

我想谈论的第一个新产品是焕发滋养血清* |£26. I had originally tried the original overnight glow serum that Pixi brought out a few years back, so was intrigued what the difference was meant to be with this one. This has a lightweight gel consistency and what I really like about it is that it doesn't feel tacky or filmy on the skin, which I do remember the overnight version did. It contains glycolic acid but also soothing cucumber and aloe. I personally don't feel any sort of sensation when I use this product but bear in mind that my skin is very used to acids! This wasn't a product I was planning on picking up myself but it's been a pleasant surprise. I was concerned it might be a bit harsh, however I actually found it quite moisturising and my skin feels incredibly smooth after use. So far, I'm really impressed with how soft, smooth and clear my skin has been.

Next I tried theGlow Tonic Cleansing Gel* |£18。像著名的和心爱的辉光补药;this contains glycolic acid, horse chestnut, aloe and ginseng. I assumed this would be a foaming gel cleanser, which is why I didn't pick it up myself, however I was pleasantly surprised that the consistency remains as a lightweight gel that doesn't strip the skin. It leaves my skin so smooth, as well as making it look nice and fresh. I wouldn't say it's hydrating but it's not drying, like I was worried it might be. It doesn't give as much of an instant, dramatic result as the toner (unfortunately I can't find the % concentration of this product) because I guess you don't use a cotton pad with it to really remove that dead skin. However I find it gentle and it does perk up my complexion nicely. I probably wouldn't pick this up myself when my tube runs out because I prefer the mud version (reviewedhere)但它可能是一个很好的起动产品!

我是可疑的,但很有趣On-the-Glow* |£18 |所以给了这种多用途的秃头A去寻找一些不同的目的。这是作为适用于面部和唇部的固体保湿剂并含有乙醇酸,维生素D2和人参。我个人发现这种感觉太滑,在我的皮肤上使用了太滑,在白天在化妆下使用了,尽管我已经使用了几次过夜,并用柔软,光滑的皮肤唤醒。我还在嘴唇上用过它,它会产生足够好的润唇膏。我刚刚真正被这个产品哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇

最后,我们拥有我的突出的新产品束!(谈论我最不喜欢的时候。)这是现象凝胶* |£24。这是一种基于凝胶的保湿霜,旨在平衡皮肤的pH水平。它与柠檬酸,芦荟,黄瓜,山茶,巫婆榛子等配制。我实际上喜欢这个的纹理 - 它非常保湿和平滑,而不会压倒性。它很好地吸收而不是油腻 - 这可能是非常干燥或成熟的皮肤可能还不够,但这对我来说是完美的,就像一个组合的人一样。我唯一的负面是一试的产品 - 这有点难以控制!

Have you tried any of the new launches from Pixi?



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