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Retinol is a form of Vitamin A and - when applied topically - it really helps renew the skin by increasing cell regeneration and encourage collagen production. This means it has proven anti-ageing properties and can help the appearance of fine lines. You should notice your skin looking smoother, more even and clearer after several weeks of use. If you have hyper-pigmentation from old acne scars; this can also really help to fade them (just bear in mind that you shouldn't use retinol if you're on accutane). It is usually found in opaque packaging to ensure the ingredient remains stable. In terms of application - it isn't advisable to pair this with other actives like lactic, salicylic or glycolic acid or Vitamin C. You should also use sunscreen with it, as it increases the skin's sensitivity to the sun. I personally tend to use retinol at night before bed. Retinol can cause skin peeling so ensure you hydrate your skin before and after use. I'd also recommend starting with a product below 0.5% concentration and building up to something more intense once your skin gets used to it.

-£10-25 -

The Ordinary 1% Retinol in Squalane|£5.80 | This is probably the most affordable retinol I've ever come across! You can get the Ordinary's retinol in several forms but I personally like this pairing with - squalane. Squalane is a non-irritating, water-free hydrator that gives this product an oil consistency. What I like about this combination is that the squalane prevents some of the peeling you may experience with retinol so although the product is going to interact with your skin, the squalane balances things back out. I wouldn't say this is the most insanely transformative retinol I've ever tried but it does make my skin smoother and improve the overall quality of my complexion. For the price; I really can't knock this product.

阿维瑞斯坦尼亚锐利专家| | 23日£这仍然是更便宜and is specifically targeted towards those who have suffered with acne and want to get rid of some of the scarring it can leave behind. This has a cream formula that's actually quite hydrating on the skin and contains other anti-blemish ingredients to help prevent further breakouts. This is definitely the oily-skinned person's retinol and is great for those of us in our 20s looking to try this ingredient. I've struggled to find out how much retinol this contains but I don't think it's a huge amount because it's one of the first retinol-based products I ever used and I didn't experience irritation or peeling. It's less something I'd recommend for people with mature skin types who are focused on anti-ageing.

-£25-45 -

皮肤洗衣夜续订治疗* |£36 |这是一个非常伟大的滋养,但不油腻的夜间奶油低,浓度低的视黄醇。许多皮肤专家实际上认为视黄醇最好是以常规的小剂量占据,这完美地适合账单。这是一个良好的夜晚乳霜,含有视黄醇作为额外的利益。这是一个初级友好的产品,在延长的使用中,我肯定注意到我的皮肤看起来和感觉更柔软和更顺畅。这不是一些大幅度戏剧性的“全新的脸”效果,但我只是真的像这个产品一样温和,日常选择。

Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Night Oil* |£45 | This oil comes in a larger bottle for twice the price but I personally still feel you're getting a proper product with this because you only need about two drops of this oil for an application. This combines retinol with blue tansy and avocado for their soothing properties. Again, this is a great combination that means I don't get peeling when I use this product, despite the fact I believe it contains around 2% retinol. It definitely has that amazing transformative effect - it's not one you're necessarily going to use every day but if you need a product to renew and refresh your skin overnight before a big event: this is it.

-£45+ -

Drunk Elephant A Passioni Retinol Cream* |£62(全尺寸)|该视黄醇源于一个滋补奶油配方,因此它确实具有更宽的皮肤益处,但是警告说:即使我的视黄醇耐性皮肤也经历了一些剥离,在前几周使用该产品。这含有1%的视黄醇,其听起来不像载荷,但有不同形式的视黄醇,这个产品严重有效。我的皮肤看起来很新鲜,新的,完全恢复活力 - 它并不便宜,但如果你想要那些'哇'的结果,当你投资护肤品时,这是最令人惊叹的平滑和澄清效果。

Algenist Elevate Advanced Retinol Serum* |£81 |我必须承认这抵达了一个包裹,我用它,我喜欢它,然后我看了看起来所说的价格......投资这一大量的钱在局部护肤品中不会是每个人,但是如果你对它开放了:我认为你不会对此感到失望。我在夜间亲自使用了这一点,然后是滋养中性产品 - 如乳木果油乳膏。这是素食式视黄醇,它不会剥皮,但给出那些令人难以置信的结果。我刚刚在使用它之后醒来,就像我每次都有我最好的育雏日!它真是太棒了,平滑和更新。





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