如果你本月买一件事...... |青年人向人民甘蓝+菠菜,绿茶,透明质酸超级空气 - 鞭子保湿霜

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Youth to the People是一个品牌我看过很多Instagram YouTube, so - after picking up their famed cleanser in Sephora on holiday - I decided to look into their availability in the UK and discovered you can get their products from Free People (though you have to spend £70 for free shipping on their site, they occasionally offer it with no minimum spend and if you sign up to their newsletter, your first order ships for free). I picked up their羽衣甘蓝+菠菜,绿茶,透明质酸超级湿润霜|£40 |(天哪,那是一口!)因为它有点像水霜一样,我从食草植物中运行低。它最终没有像那个产品一样,但我实际上以自己的优点在一起,所以今天我正在分享我的评论......

Let's talk ingredients first! Sunflower seed oil is one of the first ingredients, which is a really nice fragrance-free emollient to seal in and trap moisture into the skin. It also contains Vitamin B5, which is a humectant (so attracts and retains moisture) and also heals, protects and soothes the skin. Glycerin is in there, too; it's a common ingredient in moisturisers to hydrate and protect the skin. There's also soothing aloe leaf extract and hyaluronic acid in the form of sodium hyaluronate. This ingredient attracts and holds water into the skin and this version of hyaluronic acid has a small molecule size so penetrates deeply. This moisturiser also contains Ascorbic Acid, which is a form of Vitamin C. Vitamin C can help to even out the skin tone and reduce the appearance of dark spots, however it's also very unstable. Ascorbic Acid is a relatively stable form of the ingredient but light can degrade the effects of Vitamin C, so given the clear packaging this comes in, I'm dubious as to how effective this formula can be in terms of delivering those benefits. However, it's still going to act as a nice antioxidant for the skin.

I wanted to dive a little deeper into the 'superfood' ingredients and what they claim to do, because I love eating and drinking kale, spinach and green tea, but that doesn't always translate to them being beneficial when applied topically to the skin. Kale is packed full of the antioxidants Vitamins A, C and K, as well as copper and iron. These factors mean it potentially can help promote collagen production and cell turnover in the skin, as well as protecting it from free radicals (which cause ageing and skin damage). When it comes to spinach, most of the information I could find relating to skincare benefits referred to eating it, so take this with a pinch of salt, because with a cream we're obviously only applying it to the surface of the skin. It purportedly can help calm the skin due to its antioxidant properties, I'm just dubious on whether you're not just better off just eating some spinach! Finally, for the 'superfood' ingredients, we have green tea, which is more proven in terms of its topical skincare benefits. It's another antioxidant so can soothe and protect the skin. There are also some signs it may help improve the signs of ageing and sun damage.

这种保湿剂的质地与我以前尝试过的任何东西不同;它的重量轻,空气搅打而不融化成水性的质地。它漂亮地平滑到皮肤上,所以感觉柔软和水分,没有留下任何肌肤的过量,我喜欢。它平滑并充满了我的皮肤,也很好,为化妆提供了完美的基础。它不富裕,但它也不像凝胶保湿霜,有时只是让我的皮肤留下更多!诚实地一直像一个很好的皮肤日为我,平衡我的皮肤,并在没有压倒性的情况下提供了这种水合。 In terms of which skin type this would work for; I think almost any! If you're very dry, you may want something a little thicker on your skin than this, but I don't think it will smother your pores if you're on the oily side and for me (as someone with more combination / normal skin, who definitely suffers from dehydration) it's spot-on.

包装是简单和功能,虽然我would have preferred something that didn't require sticking my fingers into a pot, which can spread germs (it doesn't come with a little plastic spatula, though I myself have some of my own). This brand is also vegan and doesn't test on animals.

Have you tried Youth to the People?



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