
- 广告信息:这篇文章没有讨论天赋物品however I have / have had a brand relationship withthe Inkey List和邪教美丽(万博manbext网页版辉煌)。我的博客有斯皮克朗 andRewardStyle installed to automatically monetise purchases of products I link on my blog, therefore my content may contain affiliate links. All opinions remain my own and please refer to my披露页面进一步详细信息 -

inkey列表launched last year with a focus on active ingredients at a low price-point, which obviously drew comparisons to a certain Deciem brand... I was actually gifted some of their prototypes to try and really liked both products - they did say they'd send the final versions when they launched but that never materialised and I didn't get a load of people asking for my thoughts, so I decided to put my brand review on hold. When they first launched, a lot of their product line was very similar to the Ordinary's and a touch more expensive, so maybe that's why there wasn't as much buzz as I'd initially expected there to be around this brand. However, they've since expanded a lot and moved into ingredients that I really haven't seen other brands at this price-point, 融合 many formulations that really intrigued me. So it seemed time to finally do that review! I decided to pick up a mix of ingredients I've tried before and some that are new to me. Over the past few months I've been testing out their products and today it's time to return my verdict...

让我们用的东西踢掉PHA Toner|£9.99。PHA(多羟基酸)是一种非常低估的酸剥离形式。像他们更着名的表兄弟(即AHAS和BHAS)一样,他们会化学去除死皮细胞,但它们很温和。它们具有大的分子尺寸,因此提供表面级剥离,适用于敏感皮肤。这是一种提供日常去角质的伟大成分,但它显然不是油溶性,所以如果你有瑕疵的皮肤,它可能不是你最好的选择。如果您之前没有使用过酸剥离,则这也是一个很好的入学性成分。我发现这真的有助于平滑我的皮肤并使其更柔软,更辐射,浓度刺激(尽管我的皮肤在此时非常习惯化学剥离)。它也不会留种粘性过量。我唯一的否定是瓶子相对较小。 Having said that, I've used this most days for the past two months and it's still going, so we'll see...

我尝试了这个品牌的两个血清,其中的第一个是透明质酸血清|£5.99. This is probably one of the best products of the bunch in my humble opinion! I know people love the Ordinary's HA serum (I did a comparison of themhere)但对我来说,虽然它在技术上工作了,我hated粘稠的过量留在我的皮肤上。Inkey列表给了我这种惊人成分的所有好处,用一个配方融化在皮肤上精美,而不会留下任何过量或粘性。它具有良好的质感,肯定是符合更昂贵的产品。透明质酸在保留水分时令人惊叹 - 我将其用在潮湿的皮肤上,使水涂抹在我的皮肤上。这些血清的包装并不重要(你必须翻转帽子并挤出产品),但这只狗给了我更健康,皮肤的皮肤,所以我真的不能抱怨!

我也决定尝试他们的Q10血清|£4.99 | given I haven't really used this ingredient in my routine before. I actually really liked this one too! This antioxidant naturally occurs in the skin but depletes as we get older. Topical use of Q10 can protect the skin from environmental damage and it has soothing properties. There is some evidence it has anti-aging properties too, though adverts for other brands' Q10 formulas tend to overegg this claim a bit (that aggressive 'reverse aging' marketing is actually the reason I hadn't really considered Q10 for myself before now). This serum has a slightly yellow colour (which is what you're looking for when it comes to Q10) and again; the texture feels far more luxurious than I expected for the price. It absorbs really nicely and has a lovely smoothing, hydrating, plumping effect. I really like this product and it looks like I'm sold on Q10 as an ingredient! It's just a great antioxidant; don't get bogged down in the marketing of it suggesting it's only for mature skin.


我决定尝试从范围尝试的保湿霜是Turmeric Cream Moisturiser|£7.99. The star ingredient of this formula is obviously turmeric, which you're probably familiar with from cooking up a curry, however this root is also a really potent antioxidant; reducing inflammation and giving your complexion a healthy glow. This product is also formulated with squalane - a plant-derived oil that's very similar to the natural oils our skin produces. This acts as an emollient to soften the skin. Vitamin E is also in there, which has amazing moisturising properties and is also an antioxidant. However this also does contain coconut oil as its third ingredient. Whilst some people swear by using coconut oil for their every beauty need, it can be highly comedogenic for a lot of people in leave-on products. I haven't personally been broken out by this product and I used it virtually every morning for around 3 weeks, however some people are very sensitive to coconut oil and if you're one of them, please steer clear of this moisturiser! That being said; do I enjoy its effects on my skin personally? Yes, I do. Whilst it's not going to replace any of my all-time-favourite moisturisers, it's affordable and it does the job. I don't find it too greasy or heavy for my normal / combination skin and I find it smooths and moisturises my skin nicely. It does the job for me and the little tube makes it really great for travel. But I can live without it when it runs out (which will probably be soon, as you only get 30ml in this tube, which is standard for a serum but less-than-average for a moisturiser).

The next product I'll talk you through was the biggest disappointment for me! It's the神经酰胺夜治疗|£14.99 |(这也是线条最昂贵的产品之一)。我必须通过说我一般来开始评论love芹酰胺;这些脂质分子在皮肤的顶层和(当然!)耗尽时代。它们在皮肤上形成保护层,以防止水分损失,并强化皮肤免受环境损害。该处理还含有透明质酸的升压,以与神经酰胺合作。我对这个产品没有真正'得到'的是,它是一种凝胶配方,而我习惯于让我的神经酰胺真正滋养保湿士。我也有点困惑了这些指示;它看起来并适用更像是对我的血清,但品牌建议你应该清洗和调整,涂上血清,然后用这个。在一年中的这个时候,这一点在保湿上,我的皮肤足够靠近我的皮肤,所以我决定用油或东西将它归结,但是当我尝试这个时,水的配方刚刚抓起来。它只是在我的日常生活中似乎并不是一个地方,我相信如果它正在提供我通常与神经酰胺相关的令人惊叹的好处,我会找到一种方法可以做到这一点,但是这就是诚实的。

最后,让我们谈谈Bakuchiol.|£9.99。这实际上是我第一次进入吹捧的成分作为视黄醇的自然替代品(维生素A,它已被证明是抗衰老,皮肤平滑和抗痤疮性质),这在我的日常内部是一段时间。Retinol的一些缺点是您不能在怀孕或accutane上使用它,而在我找不到关于后者的信息,这块成分是怀孕的,对于您希望获得视黄醇类样品效果,同时您期待或母乳喂养。到目前为止,该研究似乎表明Bakuchiol(这是植物为基础,因此素食主义者,而某些视黄醇是动物衍生的)对视黄醇具有非常类似的效果,可以促进抗衰老,以及平滑皮肤的质地和音调。它在皮肤上也是如此,尽管我个人没有发现这种产品作为转变为视黄醇。与视黄醇相比,它是一个很好的,保湿的奶油,我不会脱皮或刺激。它确实有一个良好的滋补品质,它确实有点平滑了皮肤,并使它保持更健康的样子。全面的; I like it, but it isn't as amazingly game-changing as retinol.


总的来说,我非常喜欢Inkey列表。更多的那n I expected, in all honesty! Their product range is definitely smaller than that of obvious competitor the Ordinary, however it's a tad easier to navigate and I actually have a higher hit rate of successes vs. failures with the Inkey List. The packaging isn't always the best, but the products are very reasonably-priced, though admittedly a little more than the likes of Good Molecules and the Ordinary. The quality overall has been great; the textures feel a lot more expensive than they are and I haven't really had to deal with sticky, messy or pilling formulas.

I also think they've introduced some really interesting ingredients to the market that still aren't that common at this price-point. Whilst there are the obvious products in there like a hyaluronic acid serum, they also have harder-to-find-cheap options like the bakuchiol and Q10 (along with others that I didn't personally pick up). I definitely think the Inkey List shouldn't be overlooked! I've really enjoyed the products I've tried from them and several have made their way into my everyday routine. They aren't 'good for the price', they're just good!




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