
-Advertisement information: this post discusses items gifted to me with no obligation to share them (marked *). In addition I have / have had a brand relationship with感受独特而邪教的美(礼物)和靴子(付费广告万博manbext网页版内容)和光泽(会员计划 - 不在本文中链接)。我的博客有SkimlinksandRewardStyleinstalled to automatically monetise purchases of products I link on my blog, therefore this post may contain affiliate links. All opinions remain my own and please refer to my披露Pagefor further detail -


- 摆脱干斑 -

There are two products I really love for softening and nourishing my skin so my makeup goes on smoothly, even when my skin is a bit dry. The first is theFirst Aid Beauty Coconut Skin Smoothie Priming Moisturiser|£20.50. This hybrid product is formulated with hydrating coconut water, glyerin to draw in moisture and mica to give the skin a luminous glow. It's absolutely gorgeous for dewy, smooth, hydrated skin. I'm also a big fan of the太酷了,对于学校多合一的鸡蛋酸奶奶油来说太酷了* |£29.50 |完整评论。这是如此的软化和平滑性皮肤,而根本不油腻。它也有一点“棍子”,因此我的基础化妆确实粘附在我的皮肤上。这是我在冬季缺乏光泽或注意到干燥斑块的冬季最喜欢的产品之一。


当事情看起来有些沉闷和被洗净时,我去了Ole Henricksen Banana Bright Face Primer* |£28。这是一个非常华丽的底漆,上面有黄色的色调,以抵消Sallowness。它还具有亮度,因此,当您在顶部涂上化妆品时,您会获得可爱的辐射效果。它还由维生素C配方,以使长期使用的皮肤变亮,甚至脱光皮肤的音调。我很喜欢这个!


My go-to for adding some dewiness to my skin is theGlossier Futuredew Oil-Serum|£23 |完整评论。您将此产品用作护肤程序的最后一步,对我来说,如果您有点害怕,它是底漆油的绝佳选择,因为它肯定是油的,但这不是直接的本身油。它使我的皮肤焕发光芒,不会使我看起来太光泽。

- 光滑而丰满 -

These are my all-rounders, really, because they're the prep products that give me smoother, plumper skin. I'll start with a really nice and affordable option: theGood Molecules Silicone-Free Priming Moisturiser* |$14 |完整评论。该产品的目的是模仿硅酮与植物成分的平滑作用,我发现它会柔软并同时滋润我的皮肤。另一个具有护肤益处的优质产品是REN Perfect Canvas Clean Primer* |£40. This is a lightweight, clear liquid-gel that comes with a dropper applicator. It contains moisturising glycerin and I notice a smoothing effect when I use it, so my foundation doesn't settle so much in pores and fine lines. Finally, I really do love thePixi Rose Flash Balm* |£26。该产品为皮肤提供保湿,丰满和软化。当它乏味并且需要提升时,它确实使我的肤色具有健康的外观。


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