
广告信息:这篇文章没有discuss天赋的物品但是我已经 /与品牌关系牛奶化妆,Fenty Beauty,C万博manbext网页版ult Beauty,Charlotte Tilbury,Benefit Cosmetics和Nudestix(礼物)。我的博客有Skimlinks 奖励风格 安装以自动购买我在博客上链接的产品的货币购买,因此我的内容可能包含会员链接。所有意见仍然是我自己的,请参考我的披露Pagefor further detail -


- 奶油 -

Cream bronzer is something I've got pretty into as of late. I was always a big fan of the YSL formula, however that was discontinued and it wasn't until this year that I really found a worthy replacement.

首先,让我们谈谈Tower 28 Bronzino in West Coast|£19。这只有两种阴影,这是更轻,更金色的选项(另一个更深,更红)。我认为这可能排除了很多人从跳跃中进行直接尝试,因为这种阴影对于大多数浅色的肤色都太深了,而其他阴影看起来比真正的深色肤色更重要肤色。该质地在我的古铜色系列中非常独特,因为它是一种润肤剂,非常湿的配方。基地是青铜的,它的金色光泽贯穿其中,尽管它很好,并且不会像闪光那样转化为皮肤。它看起来不错又发光。如果您愿意,您可以用手指涂抹它,但是我个人倾向于拿起密集的合成刷并将其贴上。我确实喜欢它的外观,尽管我确实需要几分钟才能放下并失去俗气的效果。 I don't find this to be hugely long-wearing, unfortunately. I notice significant fading after around 4 hours of wear. Overall, it's a B- at most and isn't going to proceed to the next round.

Another more recent purchase is thenudestix裸色哑光腮红和陶器棕褐色|£28 |实际上,这让我想起了我过去经常穿很多衣服的NARS哑光。这绝对有一个非常温暖的底色,但在我的皮肤上。这是橙色的右侧!在此范围内有许多不同的选择,这种阴影针对中等肤色。我个人不会直接将其直接滑入我的皮肤上(我只是发现这是使用奶油产品的最佳方法);我在其表面上滑动了密集的合成刷,然后将其贴上。我真的很喜欢这个古铜色的色素沉着水平。它没有什么顶的,并且具有可建造的质量。 At the same time, you can definitely see it on the skin and it adds warmth and dimension. It has quite a matte finish, which makes it very long-wearing on my skin.

我正确地让我进入奶油青铜器的产品是Fenty Cheeks Out Cream Bronzer在Hunnie Glaze中|£28 |完整评论。老实说,这是美丽的。它是哑光的外观,但是如果您真的很仔细地看,您几乎可以看到轻微的光泽贯穿其中。这在皮肤上并不明显,只会增加产品的整体光泽。它不是像28塔那样过于润肤剂,也不像裸露的那样哑光。在那个奇妙的金洛克区。它很容易涂抹(再次使用我的刷子方法),并且很难过度应用。阴影变暖,但不橙色,看上去像是脸颊上鲜艳的颜色。即使在高温下,这也对我来说也很好。

接下来,我有一种产品,它一直在我的化妆抽屉中收集灰尘,这使我花了所有这些古铜色,同时创建了这篇文章以意识到为什么……这是Milk Makeup Matte Bronzer in Blaze|£24。这是一种微薄的两种阴影, - 鉴于我看到萨曼莎·拉文(Samantha Ravndahl)在她的视频中涂了较轻的阴影 - 我选择了更深的阴影。我认为这问题是它对我太黑了,太酷了。我认为他们在目前提供的两种颜色之间需要更多的阴影,并且在两侧都越来越浅。我还希望我的古铜色使我的皮肤变暖,否则可能是轮廓。这也不像本节中提到的其他产品那样容易融合。总的来说,我只是没有对该产品的热爱。

这甚至不是一场比赛(除了Nudestix公式,我也非常喜欢);Fenty Reigns至高无上。它在颜色,易于应用,皮肤上的天然外观以及对我的寿命上的自然效果来勾选所有盒子。因此,Fenty进入决赛!

- 哑光的 -

I used to use theBecca Sunlit Bronzer in Ipanema Sun|£27 |很多。而且,我仍然认为,就哑光粉粉古铜色而言,它被低估了。它有5种阴影好的, but I wear Ipanema Sun and that's the second-darkest they offer. I know this product was launched a few years ago when most brands only did one or two bronzer shades, but the expectation has shifted and I think it's time they updated this line with some additional deeper colours. I actually really like this formula; it's a little more pigmented than the other powder products in this post, but I don't dislike that. It's easy to blend and has a slightly luminous finish, so your skin doesn't look flat or too matte. This is a really nice warming tone on me and I love it for a super-bronzed makeup look. The longevity of this one is also really good. Trying it again in 2020; I can see why I really liked this bronzer for a long time, however at the same time I do think there are formulas I prefer now.

去年,尽管现在对此感到遗憾,但我还是捡起了Benefit Hoola Caramel Bronzer|£27 |完整评论。I don't know why I decided to give my money to a brand that only released more than a single shade of its bronzer in 2019, after it had been a YouTube staple for,但是我做到了。即使有扩展名,他们现在总共只有三种阴影,这几乎不值得赞扬。这是一个足够好的古铜色。该配方并不是奶油般的,但它适用。我喜欢这种颜色;它很可爱又温暖,因此它看起来好像您抓住了阳光。但是,经过多年的等待,我对此并不留下深刻的印象。Fenty Powder Bronzer不久后推出,我更喜欢那个配方。

Nice segway into theFenty 万博manbext网页版Beauty Sun Stalk'r即时温暖的古铜色在Bajan Gyal|£25 |完整评论。这是一种哑光古铜色,有8种阴影,大致相当于奶油范围内的阴影。我真的很喜欢这种配方是多么光滑,奶油和易于混合。它不太有色,但从第一次滑动就可以在皮肤上引人注目,并且可以毫不费力地建立。它不会抓住干燥的补丁,也不会花费太多努力来混合。对于那些新来的古铜色或只是过着忙碌的生活方式,正在寻找可以快速申请并随身携带的产品的人,这是一个不错的选择。狗万体育a我也喜欢这个阴影。它不是橙色,但绝对对我的皮肤具有变暖作用。这也是很长的。老实说,我对这个古铜色的话没有否定的话。 I think it's fantastic.

Finally, for this category, I have the棕褐色的夏洛特·蒂尔伯里喷枪古铜色|£39 |完整评论。这款古铜色是以夏洛特(Charlotte)的压制粉末为模型的,我也使用过,因此我对此有很高的希望。幸运的是,这并没有令人失望,并且在复制粉末的光滑,喷枪效应方面做得很好。这是一个哑光配方,但诚实地滑到皮肤上。您不能在涂抹时真的过度过度,它不会抓住干燥的斑块,而且整天都不会磨损。我喜欢它与我的皮肤的真正融合方式,以一种我认为粉末产品的方式,因此看起来像粉丝的温暖来自您的皮肤,而不是坐在它的顶部。我绝对喜欢这个古铜色,总的来说,我唯一的负面是它只有四种阴影,而我的是第二深!

我认为我认为不可能发生的事情发生了!经过一年的芬蒂古铜色(我仍然),我认为夏洛特·蒂尔伯里(Charlotte Tilbury)为我略微取代了它……Fenty仍然很棒,我仍然完全推荐它,它更实惠,而且更具阴影,这都是您可能选择它而不是夏洛特的产品的原因。但是,为了我自己的个人用途;夏洛特·蒂尔伯里(Charlotte Tilbury)即将进入决赛。

- 烤 -

I only have two products in this category, and my most recent purchase was theKosas Sun在中等|£33。这三个阴影s, which isn't great, but the gradient seems fine, as I have the medium tone and it's a nice, but quite pigmented, bronzer colour on me. The thing with this bronzer is that it's not one of those products you can just throw on in a rush and it will look good; you have to be a little more careful with it, which I think would rule it out for some. I tap the excess off my brush before applying it with a light hand (gradually building the colour up) and I really do love the effect it gives; it's very warming and gives a gorgeous bronzed look to the skin. It looks really beautiful and has a long-lasting finish. However, if you try to go in with too much product, it will cling and become difficult to blend out. Do I like it for me? Yes. Would I say out of all the amazing bronzers in this post that you should buy this one? Probably not. Would I repurchase it? No.




I think due to the limited shade options in the Hourglass bronzer, I'm going to have to knock them out of the process; the formula is lovely, but I just can't crown it my winner! Additionally, I just don't reach for it as much as the two other products in the final. It's pretty close between the cream Fenty bronzer and the Charlotte Tilbury, but I have to hand it to Fenty Cheeks Out. It's really turned me onto cream bronzer, which I find to be so flattering on the skin and it gives exactly the sort of natural sun-kissed look I want. I think it's great value, it comes in a lot of shades and I personally love it and haven't stopped reaching for it since the start of summer!



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