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Today I wanted to do a little bit of a post on sunscreen-moisturisers, which are much maligned in the beauty world. I'm going to explain why they might not be that bad and talk through four of the best I've found...

我认为防晒霜杂种杂种的原因有点不好,是因为人们不像防晒霜那样涂抹它们,而一半的时间则是SPF 15(我不在30岁以下的任何产品),因此,加起来...不多!该产品已经过广告保护水平的测试,因此您只需要确保您的脸上获得足够的产品,并且您的一对一是惊人的。

I'll start with theFenty Skin Hydra Visor SPF 30* |£32 |full review|我认为这再次引起了该产品类型的普及。这实际上是一个无油的配方,但是到您需要的时间涂抹时,它已经有了露水的效果,我个人发现它提供了持久的水合。它具有淡淡的熔化配方,永远不会散装,并且在化妆下坐着很漂亮 - 不需要底漆!这显示了我的皮肤上的零白色铸件,我见过肤色比我的肤色更深的人在宽敞的银色光泽时宽恕。如果您全都是简单的例程;它具有防晒霜,透明质酸(以吸水为皮肤)和抗氧化剂,以保护皮肤免受环境损害(非常完美与防晒霜配对)。

我的下一个产品是我的阿森纳中的矿物选择:Skingredients Shield SPF SPF 50 PA +++* |£41 |full review。I'm normallynota fan of mineral sunscreens and this is the first one that ever turned my head. Mineral sunscreens are great if you have sensitive skin or if you find that sunscreen can get a little irritating around your eyes (this is also fragrance-free). The downside is that they're so often thick, white and look awful on anyone who's not a Fitzpatrick 1 or 2. I'm around about a 4 and I really haven't seen this product around enough on the internet to say how it looks on someone deeper than me, but if you're my skin tone or lighter: this is an amazing option (the brand have also teased a deeper version in the works). I love the lightweight, fluid texture and it has a slightly peachy tint. It melts in beautifully and gives gorgeous hydration, Again, it's oil-free, which I'm often not that into but this does work for my skin on its own, especially as a summer option when I don't need all the extra nourishment. As a moisturiser, it also gives you niacinamide and Vitamin E, as antioxidants. They're going to help contribute towards a healthy skin barrier and calm and nourish.

Next we have my belovedUltra Violette最高屏幕水合面部防晒SPF 50+|£34 |full review。This is billed as an all-in-one sunscreen, moisturiser and primer, and I can say it'sdreamyunder makeup, it's super moisturising and during the summer this is going to be my perfect product to go after my serum and before my complexion makeup. You can apply the correct amount of this product without getting white cast or it being too heavy and it gives the most beautiful glow to the skin. I recommend it for normal-to-dry skin types and it contains other antioxidant sources like kakadu plum that can be really beneficial to the skin.

最后,我要谈论Dr. David Jack All Day Long Daily Tinted Broad Spectrum Moisturiser SPF 50* |£89。这不是我列表中最预算友好的选择,但希望这篇文章有一个很好的组合,这是我的奢侈选择。它说它是有色的,尽管我的眼睛不是特别的!它含有脂肪醇塞基和甘油作为水磁体,舒缓芦荟和乳酸可用于水化和轻度去角质。这是超轻质的,它可以融化,水合和保湿,我的妆容很好地贴在上面。我什至不需要等待它融化就能获得零白色的演员表。

Do you ever go for sunscreen moisturisers?



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