
- Advertisement information: this post does not讨论gifted items or contain affiliate links however gifted products may be included in the image. This is for illustrative purposes only and is not an endorsement or a negative review of any specific product 。所有意见仍然是我自己的,请参考我的披露页面有关更多详细信息 -

今天我想做一些即兴post on what to do with products that just didn't work out for you. Here in the UK, you can't return opened beauty products and whilst I try to pass on as much as I can, I do tend to leave products I think I won't like unopened so someone else can have them fresh and new. That still means there are quite a few products I end up with that I tried, didn't love and need a use for, so these are my top tips!


我们的脸部和颈部皮肤比我们身体的其余部分都要薄得多(不过,请注意:腋窝仍然很敏感,显然是任何亲密的区域!)因此,通常应该为脸部配制的产品更温和。这也意味着,如果产品对您的脸部过于激烈或敏感,则可以对您的身体工作。我个人患有KP(如果您想进一步了解这一点 - 查看我的dedicated post) which is effectively a buildup of keratin in the hair follicle which can lead to dryness, irritation and the tell-tale red bumps. Exfoliation is really important and the fact the skin is quite thick and rough where I have my KP so it can definitely take a more intense exfoliator. In fact, these stronger products every so often help a lot in releasing some of that build-up and smoothing out the skin on my body.



Problem: "this mineral sunscreen leaves a white cast!" Solution: use it around your eyes only


问题:“这个清洁剂太苛刻,剥离了!”解决方案:将其保存到use after exercise

As someone with a drier skin type, I quite often use cleansers that leave my skin feeling a bit tight and squeaky. So many, that I often pass them on to friends and family, barely touched, but I keep hold of a couple because they're great at cutting through the layer of sweat that forms on my face after I've been out for a run.

Problem: "this face mist is too scented!" Solution: use it a room or pillow spray


How do you find a use for products that just didn't do it for you?

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