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Today we're talking 6 of the most hyped-up skincare products on social media - and specifically, TikTok (which can be a小的索取护肤建议!)他们是否值得炒作,夸张的索赔或完全失败的体面产品?让我们找出...

首先,我们有发光食谱西瓜发光烟酰胺露水滴滴* |£31。我在今年早些时候首次挑选了该产品(此后已被赠予它),并对它的描述感到困惑。尽管我热爱化妆品金融混合动力车,但我使用了数周,并且在基于烟酰胺的产品的效果方面没有差异如果您想要露水饰面或化妆的发光底座,请认为这可以使皮肤看起来不错。我本来不会再捡起它来用于此用途,但是很好。没关系...我想只是我再花31英镑了。

Next is the infamous product whose hype just won't die:普通的S AHA 30% + BHA 2%剥离解决方案|£6.30. This is something I first used many years ago, and back then it actually said 'for professional use only' on the packaging, which was sufficient warning that this isstrong东西!在这里,我们有30%的AHA脱胶酸酸酯:乙醇,乳酸,tart和柠檬酸,然后以水杨酸的形式进行2%BHA。AHAS将重新浮出皮肤,即使是其整体色调和质地,并具有很大的皮肤光滑度,而BHA则是油溶性的,因此可以进入毛孔并清除引起斑点的碎片。这里还有塔斯马尼亚胡椒,具有抚摸皮肤的特性,并赋予其著名的血红色。我认为这是该产品的问题!它看起来像是鲜血的外观“很酷”,而且价格点使它不一定需要这样的产品,并且不知道如何正确使用它的年轻人。毫无疑问,互联网上肯定有鲁ck的人会鲁ck,并用这种产品来破坏他们的皮肤!对我来说,这是一种适合那些耐寒,甚至成熟的皮肤的人,每周一晚,作为包括每日防晒霜在内的平衡护肤程序的一部分。它应作为薄层施加,并将其放置5-10分钟。如果您不是化学去角质剂的高级用户:这不适合您。 If you feel a strong tingling or burning sensation: this isn't for you. If you're prone to hyperpigmentation: this isn't for you. In the right hands, this is a great product at a great price-point, though for my own skin I do prefer gentler options these days.

Moving on, we have theIsle of Paradise Self-Tanning Drops in Medium* |£19.95。我认为这是我真正尝试过的第一个自粉产品,我绝对担心看起来橙色或条纹!但是,作为初学者,这些对我来说真是太棒了。您将这种类似于血清的产品的1-14滴与基本保湿剂混合在一起,具体取决于您想要的深度,当然可以在几种应用程序上构建颜色。我喜欢在睡觉前使用它,所以我以新鲜的温暖醒来,向我的皮肤发光,我喜欢它的天然。很难在照片中做这个产品正义,但是您可以在之前和之后看到here. Even that biscuit-y smell isn't too bad with this product! My only negative is that you don't get a ton of product in here, so depending on how much you like to self-tan, you might not get much mileage out of it. Otherwise, though, it's a great formula.

接下来,让我们谈谈急救美容KP凹凸橡皮万博manbext网页版体的身体磨砂膏10%aha* |£26。我对KP有点深入研究here,但从本质上说:这是一个无害的条件是means keratin plugs up in the hair follicle, causing red bumps and dryness, usually on the arms and legs. This can get quite itchy and irritating at times (particularly during the winter) and for some, it can really harm their confidence. Because of the name of this product, I do have to be clear: there is no 'cure' for KP and you can't 'erase' it with a body scrub, so we're really looking for an improvement in its appearance, skin smoothness and a reduction the itch that often comes along with this condition. This formula combines micro-exfoliant crystals with a 10% complex of lactic and glycolic acids, so you're getting physical and chemical exfoliation in one step. My only slight caveat is that you might not want to use this if physical exfoliation (even on your body) causes you to hyperpigment. I personally apply this to my skin, leave it for a few minutes and then rinse it off as as massage gently so I get the benefits of both. This definitely helps soften, smooth and unplug things for me when I use it a couple of times a week. Erased? No, but improved? Absolutely!

最近的产品来获取'OMG!看看这个产品在做什么!Tiktok的治疗是Caudalie Vinergetic C+ Instant Detox Mask* |£23. I used and liked this mask many years ago, but it's been repackaged and possibly a few more ingredients were added to the formula, so (given it's reignited popularity of late) I decided to give it another go. This is formulated with rose clay (so it's a pink, clay-based mask), caffeine (an antioxidant and vasoconstrictor), papaya enzymes (for mild exfoliation) and hydrating grape water (Caudalie's signature). I never really know if people exaggerate things to try and go viral or if these teenagers just haven't come across a clay mask before, but I've seen several videos saying this mask is pulling 'gunk' out of the skin and 'look at all of this stuff coming out of my face!' That's not what's happening... This is a clay mask, so it dries down on the skin, and as the moisture evaporates, obviously it's going to settle into pores and fine lines. It's just dryness emphasising texture, just like a very matte foundation will settle into every line, pore and crease. A clay mask is working on a surface level, absorbing excess oil, and this particular formula has some great added benefits. This is a nice mask and is pretty non-drying compared to other clay formulas on the market, but consider the claims about it debunked!

Lastly, it's theJart + Cicapair Tiger Grass颜色校正处理* |£37。这种糊状声称用柔和的绿色色调来抵消发红(无论是酒渣鼻,痤疮还是其他炎症)来取代基础的需求。有点很长一段路,我确实发现了这种蒙面的发红,但是它在我的肤色上留下了灰白色的铸造。我很欣赏您的肤色越深,您的肤色越小,这种明显的发红的可能性就越小,但是我想我在这两个类别之间就很尴尬。我确实会发红,但这对我来说太苍白了。如果您是Fitzpatrick 1或2,我一定会尝试一下might如果您是A3。

There are demos of these products on my Instagram Reels - check them outhereandhere.

Have you tried any of these products? Were they worth the hype for you?

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