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The Ordinary now have not one... not two... butthree水杨酸产品中的生产产品,所以我认为今天我会在它们之间进行一些比较,以便您可以弄清楚哪种可能最适合您的皮肤类型和您的个人常规!


The primary reason to use salicylic acid is as a treatment for breakouts, congestion, blackheads or acne. So, the first thing you need to ask yourself is: are these your main skin concerns or are they more like occasional issues (such as a hormonal breakout whilst you're on your period)? Someone with very oily, acne-prone skin might want to use a salicylic acid cleanser once daily, someone with moderate concerns in this area could use a leave-on product up to 3 times a week or someone with occasional, more isolated breakouts might want to reach for a spot treatment. We'll walk through each of the products then round up at the end which is for who!


We'll kick things off with the OG and recently-relaunchedSalicylic Acid 2% Solution* | £5.10. A few years back: Iloved这些东西是一种现场治疗,但我知道很多人说他们对此做出了反应。对我来说,我永远不会使用像这样的坚固,水性的,固定的配方作为全面的血清(它不包含所有“缓冲”成分,这些成分可以从2%的配方中获得边缘),所以它总是同意我的皮肤。我确实到处看,认为我一定错误地扔掉了旧瓶子,所以我无法直接比较重新启动的变化,但是我想deciem看上去已经使皮肤更加柔和,鉴于有些人抱怨它令人讨厌。我仍然将其用作现场治疗,并且仍然非常有效。无论是一个大,疼痛,盲人的还是一个白头的殖民地:这加快了一个地点的生命周期。它可以迅速减少发红,并有助于康复过程,并肯定会阻止疤痕。正如我所说:我建议仅在需要的地方和需要时使用它,因此它可能不是通用拥塞的最佳选择。


If you're more sensitive-skinned and / or you want to use something to clear general congestion rather than needing to spot-apply: theSalicylic Acid 2% Anhydrous Solution* | £5.60 | was made for you! As the name suggests: this is a waterless formula. As salicylic acid is oil-soluble, it can be suspended in hemi-squalane, which is a lightweight olive-derived oil that your skin can recognise. This delivery system makes it feel more gentle on the skin and this product is the least likely to upset your skin barrier. I would personally recommend using this up to three times a week in the evening with a couple of dropsbefore您的保湿霜。它仍然是一种油,所以这不是我白天穿的东西,但是它是轻轻澄清的,有助于清除突破,而没有任何相关的刺激。如果您干燥但仍在荷尔蒙(像我一样!)中脱颖而出,那么这对您来说是完美的:那里有很多干燥的水杨酸治疗方法,这确实提供了独特的东西。我只是不确定有油性或易受痤疮皮肤的人一定会享受皮肤上的油的感觉,并且可以限制您将其作为晚上例行的一部分(除非您是verydry).


The final option is a mask treatment: best for those in need of a quick fix, because I can honestly use this in the evening (as I'm dry, I tend to focus on areas where I'm breaking out and the t-zone) and notice a significant difference by the following morning. The水杨酸2%面膜* |£10.30 |把成分的粘土面具,which will help to reduce surface oiliness and this formula is full of glycerin and squalane to ensure it doesn't dry out your skin and that your skin barrier is supported when you use this exfoliant. I don't have a single negative to say about how this works for my skin: it's effective and non-irritating, but the flipside to the choice of ingredients is that the clay makes it black and the glycerin makes it quite sticky. The combination makes this pretty messy and not something I'm going to gravitate towards on, say, a weeknight where I want a minimal-fuss routine. If you're not a mask person then obviously this won't be for you.

I really hope this comparison was helpful in navigating the Ordinary's salicylic acid options and for deciding which is going to be the best for your skin type and for how you like to do your skincare!


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